Apr 16, 1005
MacBeth is born
MacBeth is believed to be born in Alba, Scotland in the year 1005. MacBeth's father is Finlay, who was the ruler of Moray, a section of Scotland and his mother was Donada, the second daughter of Malcolm http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/macbeth.shtml -
Apr 20, 1012
MacBeth Goes to School
In the year 1012, when he was seven years old, MacBeth was sent away to study under a Christian monk, which was required for children of important chieftains and usually lasted about ten years. http://ehistory.osu.edu/world/peopleview.cfm?pid=392 -
Apr 20, 1033
MacBeth and Gruoch Get Married
Sometime after the death of her ex husband in 1032, MacBeth and Gruoch get married, giving MacBeth a stepson, Lulach, who later rules Scotland for a year before being assassinated. http://www.britroyals.com/scots.asp?id=macbeth -
Aug 1, 1040
MacBeth Kills Duncan
MacBeth and Thorfinn kill King Duncan at a battle by Elgin, Morayshire, a city in Scotland. Unlike in the play, MacBeth killed Duncan at the battlefield, not in his sleep. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/macbeth.shtml -
Sep 20, 1040
MacBeth Takes the Throne
In 1040, after killing King Duncan I, MacBeth takes the throne from the former King and continues to rule for another seventeen years. His reign was rather peaceful compared to Shakespeare's interpretation making him look like a tyrant. http://gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/history/scot2.htm -
Apr 20, 1045
MacBeth Kills Crinan
In 1045, five years after killing former king, Duncan I, MacBeth defeats and kills Duncan's father Crinan at a battle in the town of Dunkeld. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/macbeth.shtml -
Apr 20, 1046
MacBeth Almost Loses Lothian
In 1046, MacBeth came very close to losing Lothian, which is a region of southern Scotland, to Siward, Malcolm III's uncle. Siward and MacBeth became enemies after this event for the rest of his years up to his death. http://www.lordbothwell.co.uk/macbeth.html -
Apr 20, 1050
MacBeth Goes To Rome
In the year 1050, MacBeth traveled to Rome for a papal jubilee, which according to Christianity, is a religious pilgrimage that takes place every fiftieth year to guarantee forgiveness for ones sins. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/macbeth.shtml -
Jul 27, 1054
Malcolm fails to overthrow MacBeth
In the summer of 1054, Malcolm and Siwad, his uncle, teamed up and attempted to overthrow Scotland. MacBeths army and the invaders met in Dunsinnan. MacBeth's army lost about two times more men than the invaders but, were not successful in their invasion and were forced to retreat to England. http://ehistory.osu.edu/world/peopleview.cfm?pid=392 -
Aug 14, 1057
MacBeth Dies
The English were finally successful in Malcolm and Donald Ban's plans to invade Scotland. MacBeth was killed in Lumphanan, a village in Scotland, which is just west of Aberdeen. http://www.perthshirediary.com/html/day0814.html -
Aug 20, 1057
MacBeth Gets Buried
Shortly after MacBeth was killed in battle by Malcolm III, MacBeth was buried at the Isle of Iona, which is a holy island just off the west coast of Scotland. http://www.britroyals.com/scots.asp?id=macbeth