The Real Macbeth / CodyD4

By codyd4
  • May 1, 1005

    Macbeth Birthday

    Macbeth Birthday
    Macbeth in Gaelic means, "son of life"
  • May 1, 1005

    Malcolm II Becomes King of Scotland

    Malcolm II Becomes King of Scotland
    He was Macbeth's grandfather
  • May 1, 1012

    Macbeth goes to study

    Macbeth goes to study
    was required for children of high officials to study under a christian monk
  • Apr 11, 1020

    Macbeth's father is murdered

    Macbeth's father is murdered
    He was killed by Macbeth's cousins Malcolm and Gillecomgain.
    Macbeth was far away in his studies at the time
  • Apr 11, 1032

    Macbeth returns to Scotland

    Macbeth returns to Scotland
    He was elected Mormaer of Moray after his cousin Gillecomgain died. Macbeth married Gillecomgain's widow Gruoch.
    Mormaer- Leader of a Scotish province
  • Dec 25, 1034

    Duncan MacCrinan becomes High King

    Duncan MacCrinan becomes High King
    Malcolm II died on November 24 and previously named Duncan as his succesor
  • Aug 14, 1040

    Thorfinn Sigurdsson and Duncan fight

    Thorfinn Sigurdsson and Duncan fight
    Duncan wanted to control Orkney so he attacked. Thorfinn Sigurdsson, Mormaer of Orkney, defended his land and launched a counterattack on Duncan. Macbeth joined Sigurdsson and defeated Duncan's armies. Duncan was killed in the fight, unlike he died in Shakspear's play in his bed.
  • Aug 28, 1040

    Macbeth becomes King

    Macbeth becomes King
    Macbeth marches to the capital of Scotland and is crowned high king. Unlike Shakespear's description, the citizens of scotland were happy Macbeth took the throne, King Duncan was unpopular and considered a tyrant.
  • Apr 16, 1045

    Macbeth's only domestic disruption

    Macbeth's only domestic disruption
    The southern clans of Scotland rose up under the Abbot of Dunkeld and the Mormaer of Atholl against Macbeth. Macbeth suppresed the uprising and killed the leaders in the short battle.
    Abbot- means father and was a title given to the heads of a monestary in many religions.
  • Apr 16, 1049

    Macbeth goes to Rome

    Macbeth goes to Rome
    Macbeth visits Rome to see the pope.
  • Apr 16, 1052

    Normans flee England

    Normans flee England
    Normans fled England and soght refuged in Macbeth's kingdom and was accepted. This made English lords unhappy with Macbeth.
  • Jun 18, 1052

    Malcolm MacDuncan makes complains to England

    Malcolm MacDuncan makes complains to England
    Malcolm MacDuncan, son of Duncan, made claimed that the crown of Scotland was his. Because the English were upset with Macbeth they listened to MacDuncan.
  • Jun 9, 1054

    England invades Scotland

    England invades Scotland
    Malcolm MacDuncan persuaded the English to take action against Macbeth. Siward, Earl of Northumbria, marched an army and invaded Scotland with Macduncan at his side.
  • Jul 27, 1054

    Macbeth's army meet the English

    Macbeth's army meet the English
    The two armies met at Dunsinnan. Macbeth suffered more losses than the English but still came out victorious. Macbeth will fight the English from this point on to 1057
  • Feb 16, 1057

    Macbeth loses suport

    Macbeth loses suport
    Macbeth loses two supporters who could have persuaded the English to stop, Pope Leo IX and Primate of Scotland Maelduin MacGille-Odrain. Macbeth also lost a third supporter, Thorfinn Sigurdsson, who either fell ill or died.
  • Aug 15, 1057

    Macbeth Death Date

    Macbeth Death Date
    Macbeth dies and is buried on the Holy Isle of Iona, were all Scotland's lawful kings are buried. Macbeth was Scotlands last Celtic ruler