208 macbeth

The Real Macbeth/ BradS4

  • Aug 13, 1005


    Findlaech MacRuaridh and Doado have a child, and name him MacBeth MacFindlaech. During this time, Malcolm I was king(Macbeth's grandfather). His name means "son of life"
  • Period: Aug 13, 1005 to Aug 15, 1057


    The life of Macbeth
  • Oct 22, 1012

    Sent to School

    Sent to School
    At the age of seven, Macbeth was sent to school to study under a Christian Monk.
  • Sep 17, 1020

    Father is killed

    Father is killed
    When Macbeth was only fifteen, his father was killed by his cousins, Malcolm and Gillecomgain. Macbeth did not know of this right away, for he was off at school. His father was the Mormaer of Moray, and was killed for his throne.
  • May 19, 1032

    Elected Mormaer of Moray

     Elected Mormaer of Moray
    Macbeth was elected Mormaer of Moray, upon is cousin's death. His cousin, Gillecomgain, was killed by a castle raid sent by Malcolm II. The new position meant Macbeth was a choice for king. This is the first of three differences. The Macbeth in the play was never Mormaer of Moray.
  • Dec 19, 1032

    Gets Married

    Gets Married
    Macbeth marries Gruoch, after she was widowed. He also adopts her son, Lulach
  • Aug 14, 1040

    Macbeth defeats Duncan

    Macbeth defeats Duncan
    Macbeth allies himself with Thorfinn, and defeats Duncan in battle. This is the second key difference. Macbeth in the play murdered Duncan in his sleep.
  • Aug 24, 1040

    Macbeth arrives in Scone

    Macbeth arrives in Scone
    Macbeth enters Scone, the Scottish capital, after the battle.
  • Sep 12, 1040

    Macbeth becomes king

    Macbeth becomes king
    Macbeth is crowned king at the age of 35; he is said to have been a much better king than Duncan. This is the third key difference. Macbeth in the play was a dirty, cheating king; whereas the real Macbeth was a kind, caring king.
  • Apr 19, 1045

    Macbeth goes to battle

    Macbeth goes to battle
    Macbeth enters a battle with the Abbot of Dunkeld and Mormaer of Atholl(rebels), and leaves victorious.
  • Apr 22, 1049

    Macbeth travels to Rome

    Macbeth travels to Rome
    Macbeth travels to Rome during peaceful times; he meets the pope and gives to the poor.
  • Nov 25, 1052


    Normans escaping from England were allowed into Scotland by Macbeth.
  • Apr 19, 1054


    Malcolm's army begins making their way into Scotland.
  • Apr 19, 1054

    Under attack

    Under attack
    From 1054-1057, Macbeth is under constant attack from Malcolm.
  • Jul 27, 1054


    Malcolm and his army attack Macbeth and his army at Dunsinnan. The battle ends in a draw, however Malcolm is crowned king of Cumbria.
  • Aug 15, 1057

    Macbeth is killed

    Macbeth is killed
    Macbeth is killed by Malcolm's army while he is on his way to Moray.
  • Aug 20, 1057

    Lulach becomes king

    Lulach becomes king
    Macbeth's son Lulach is crowned over Malcolm due to popularity.
  • Mar 22, 1058

    Lulach is killed

    Lulach is killed
    Lulach is killed by Malcolm's army.
  • Apr 25, 1058

    Malcolm becomes king

    Malcolm becomes king
    Finally, Malcolm is crowned king of scotland. From this point on, scotland will go downhill.