
The Progression of Labor

By Tephert
  • First Labor Union

    First Labor Union
    The Knights of Labor emerged as a major force in the late 1880s, but it collapsed because of poor organization, lack of effective leadership, disagreement over goals, and opposition from employers and government forces.They were trying to make conditions safer for railroad workers. The strike backed by almost 300,000 had no leadership so it failed.
  • Great Anthracite Coal Strike

    Great Anthracite Coal Strike
    At the turn of the last century, the United Mine Workers of America began a strike which threatened to create an energy crisis. Seeking better wages and conditions, There were about 150,000 strikers and they had no chance but to comply or loose tons buisness. Despite demanding a 20% wage increase, the buisness and the employess came together at 10% wage increase.