The Progression Of Calculus

  • 390 BCE

    Knidos, Ancient Greece

    Eudoxus was first developing the very minute basics of limits and continuity by looking at magnitudes without any numbers.
  • 225 BCE

    Istanbul (Constaninople)

    Archimedes made a huge leap for what is now modern calculus. He showed the relationship between an area of a segment of a parabola and the area of a triangle with the same base and vertex and the area of a parallelogram. Then he used this relationship with an infinite series. All without measurement tools!
  • Period: 390 to

    Progression Of Calculus

    See the "Who"s the "what"s and the "when"s of calculus
  • Leipzig, Germany

    Sir Gottfried Leibniz was developing his own. Unlike Newton, Leibiniz was looking at derivatives and integrals in 1646.
  • University of Oxford

    Sir Isaac Newton came up with the first notions of calculus in 1664 by applying algebra to infinite series.
  • Basel, Switzerland

    In the 1700s, Leonhard Euler was coming up with the idea for constructible functions. This later integrated with integral geometry to make up what he now know to just be integrals.
  • Paris, France

    Jean-le-Rond D'Alembert wrote many essays about calculus during his time but his most known is "Traité de l'équilibre et du mouvement des fluides" from 1744. This brought the concept of integration to a new level, fluids.
  • Paris, Franc

    Over a hundred years after Newton and Leibniz, Augustin-Louis Cauchy came up with the first reasonable formal definition of a limit and discontinuity.
  • Ennigerloh, Germany

    Almost another hundred years later, Karl Weirstrass came up with the final definition of a limit.
  • Berlin, Germany

    Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss came up with his thoughts on differential geometry and number theory which laid the ground work for Bernhard Riemann just a couple of decades later.
  • University of Göttingen

    At this university, Bernhard Riemann was head of the math department. His status was only heightened by the concept he brought to calculus. His idea is now called the Riemann integral and is used in modern physics and calculus.