The Presidential Life of Woodrow Wilson

  • "On Labor" Speech

    "On Labor" Speech
    All four candidates that ran for president in this year mainly directed their speeches towards the working-class voters . In this particular speech that is known as the “On Labor” speech, Wilson spoke out against minimum wages for women and called to end business monopolies. This speech helped him to win this election with 435 electoral votes and over 6 million of the popular vote.

  • 1913 Inauguration

  • 17th Amendment Enacted

  • Federal Reserve Act

  • Sinking of the Lusitania

  • 1916 Campaign Slogan

    1916 Campaign Slogan
    Woodrow Wilson’s re-election campaign slogan, “he kept us out of war” made the people view him as a peacemaker, and a leader that would keep them from the dangers of war. Wilson tried his best to keep the people out of war like he promised but in 1917, he had no choice but to give in and join into the war.
    (1916 election)
  • 1916 Election

  • "Peace without War" Speech

    "Peace without War" Speech
    Woodrow Wilson’s “Peace without War” speech was largely based off of experiences he encountered such as the Civil War when he was a young boy, which is a reason why he wanted to stay out of this war. Another reason that Wilson thought it would be a good idea to share this speech was because of the 128 Americans who died on the Lusitania and also in hopes that it would stop the chaos in Germany.

  • US Declares War on Germany

  • Wilson's 14 Points

  • 19th Amendment