The Presidency of James Madison

  • James Madison Elected President

    James Madison Elected President
    The Democrtaic-Republican defeated Federalist Charles Pickney. Had 122 electoral votes compared to Charles Pickney 47.
  • Inauguration

    He said the United States was "full of difficulties". His speech was modest and virtually no one could hear it.
  • Fletcher v. Peck

    Fletcher v. Peck
    John Marshall overrules state legislation in Fletcher v. Peck.
  • Macon's Bill No. 2

    Macon's Bill No. 2
    Authorized the president (at the time James Madison), to reapply the the principle of non-intercourse to England and France, if they seized American neutral vessels.
  • Annexation of West Florida

    Annexation of West Florida
    President James Madison issued a proclamation that authorized the U.S. occupation of West Florida.
  • Non-Intercourse with Britain

    Non-Intercourse with Britain
    James Madison reestablishes the Non-Intercourse Act, with Britain, because France "backed off" first, even though the French are still continuing to seize American ships.
  • Non-intercourse with Britain

    Non-intercourse with Britain
    Madison reestablishes non-intercourse with Britain with an embargo. Meanwhile, the French continue their seizure of American ships.
  • The First Bank of the United States...Over

    The First Bank of the United States...Over
    The charter of the First Bank of the United States ended. Even though treasury secretary Gallatin tries to urge Congress to extend it's charter.
  • The Bank of America Closes

    The Bank of America Closes
    Congress to extend its charter but fails to convince members concerned with the large British interest in the Bank due to the non-intercourse act.
  • The Battle of Tippecanoe

    The Battle of Tippecanoe
    The Battle of Tippecanoe, took place in Prophetstown, Indiana. The battle was between William Henry Harrison and two Native Americans, Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa. Cause for the battle was the Native Americans attempt to driving the Americans off Native American's land, which alarmed the Americans in the west. Overall the Americans won, and shattered the Tecumseh's Native American confederation.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812, was a war between the Americans and British, over impressment and trade restrictions. The war didn't change very much, and was ultimately pointless. Only people that lost during the war were the Native Americans, who lost some of their land.
  • End to the Orders in Council

    End to the Orders in Council
    Five days after America declared war on Britain, Britain ends their Orders in Council. Orders in Council, made while Jefferson president, forbade French trade with Britain, it's allies, or neutral nations, which hurt America.
  • James Madison is Re-elected

    James Madison is Re-elected
    James Madison is re-elected as president and starts his second term of presidency. Along with Elbridge Gerry as his vice president, who served from 1813-1814. Madison ran against DeWitt Clinton, who got 89 electoral votes and Madison 128 electoral votes.
  • The White House is Burned

    The White House is Burned
    During the War of 1812, the British swarmed into the capital, and put the White House and other public buildings on fire. While the British charged, Admiral Cockburn took one of the president's hats and a chair cushion of Dolley Madison (President Madison's wife), as a souvenir.
  • The National Anthem is Written

    The National Anthem is Written
    The national anthem is written by Francis Scott Key, while he was detained on a Britsh ship. While on the ship he heard the cannons raining at Fort McHenry, and saw the American flag still waving.
  • Treaty Of Ghent

    Treaty Of Ghent
    The United States and Britain sign the Treaty of Ghent. News of the Treaty will reach the United States in February 1815.
  • End Of The War of 1812

    End Of The War of 1812
    The actual end of the war of 1812
  • The Bank is Back

    The Bank is Back
    Madison signs a bill re-chartering a new national bank in Philadelphia. The charter is set for a twenty-one year term.
  • The End of James Madison's Presidency

    The End of James Madison's Presidency
    The Democratic-Republican candidate James Monroe is inaugurated as the new president, fifth president of the United States.
  • End of Jame Madison's Presidency.

    End of Jame Madison's Presidency.
    Republican-Democrat James Monroe is inaugurated as the fifth President of the United States, and thus James Madison is no longer president.