Period: to
The Postmoden Era
Civil Rights Movement
Congress passes the civil rights act and gave more rights to people of all ethnicities, disabilities, and SES (socio-economic status). -
The Elementsry and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) passes, bringing "titled" programs to public schools. -
Title IX
Title IX amendment to ESEA outlaws descriminstion on the basis of sex. -
Public Law 94-142
Public Law 94-142 Provides federally guaranteed rights for all children with disabilities in public schools. The law guarantees FAPE in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Now known as IDEIA or IDEA (2004). -
U.S. Department of Education Established
U.S. Department of Education established. A cabinet department of education was needed. -
Personal Computers
Personal computers became commercially available in the U.S. -
The World Wide Web became public in May of 1995. -
No Child Left Behind
Increased accountability for teachers in districts through testing and monitoring achievement through testing. Now know as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). -
Race to the Top
Schools apply for funding to help improve student achievement. It is the largest ever federal competitive investment in school reform. -
Common Core State Srandards
Common core standards were established creating accountability for teachers, content uniformity within grade levels and continuity across grade levels.