The Posibility Of Evil! Matt.B Matt.F

By Matt.B
  • Mrs.Strageworth

    Mrs Stageworh wakes up in the morning and makes herself some breakfast.
  • Goes For Walk

    Goes For Walk
    Mrs.Stageworh goes out for a walk to the corner store. On the way she sees a lady that looks very tired.
  • At The Grocery Store.

    At The Grocery Store.
    When Mrs.Stageworth walks into the corner store everyone turns around and says good morning, and then she says ¨good moring back to you all¨. At the store she gets the items she needs and leaves.
  • Back At Home

    Back At Home
    She goes inside and puts her grroceries and thinks about haveing tea. She walked over to the desk in the corner of the room then rote letter.
  • Next Letter

    Next Letter
    Mrs.Strageworth decides to write another letter
  • What She Thinks.

    What She Thinks.
    Mrs.Stangeworth rights a letter to Mrs.Foster Saying you cant trust doctors.
  • Shes Done For Today

    Shes Done For Today
    Mrs.Stangeworh decides to continue righting letters the next day.
    Then she makes dinner.
  • Mailing Her Letters

    Mailing Her Letters
    Mrs.Stangeworth mails he letter only at the new post office and she did it secratly.
  • Reciving Letter

    Reciving Letter
    Mrs.Strangworth recives a letter and in it it says " Look at what used to be your roses" .
  • After Letter.

    After Letter.
    Mrs Stangeworth Cryes silently anfter she reads the letter.