Traveling to the Congo
The price family gets on the flight but find that they have a limited amount of things that they are allowed to bring with them. they have to hide a lot of their belongings in their clothes. " We struck out for Africa carrying all our excess baggage on our bodies, under our clothes. Also, we had clothes under our clothes." -Leah Price pg.15 -
When the family arrives they are greeted with a "feast" but they complain that it isn't good and that it is bland. -
Easter Sunday
The girls are worried about finding something to wear to church but when they get there they see the kids don't have hardly anything to wear at all. -
They find out that the people mostly eat a horrible paste that contains little to no nutrition
"There seemed to be no food to speak of, even on market day when everybody came around to make the tallest possible pile out of what they had." Orleanna Price pg. 92 -
Broken arm
Ruth may breaks her arm while playing with the village kids.
"That arm hurt bad. I didn't cry, but I held it right still over my chest." -Ruth May pg. 118 -
Leah and Nathan try to plant a garden and are being told they have done it the wrong way
"He planned to make a demonstration garden, from which we gather a harvest for our table and also supply food and seed to the villagers." -Leah Price pg. 36 -
Snake bite
Nelson finds a snake and pokes at it, this results with Ruth mays death
"I could only stare at Ruth May's bare left shoulder, where two red puncture wounds stood out like red beads on her flesh. Two dots an inch apart, as small and tidy as punctuation marks at the end of a sentence none of us could read. The sentence would have started somewhere just above her heart." -Leah pg. 364 -
Lion chase
Adah is walking in the woods and then a lion chases her and the people think that she was actually killed. but when she is alive it makes them believe in God. -
Nathan's past is told and it shows why he is the way he is.
"He always felt the eye of God watching him." -Orleanna Price pg. 197 -
Rachel fakes her engagement to axelroot -
Ruth may contracts malaria and this changes how her character acts -
A dry spell hits killings and makes them find food by other means -
Leah decides she needs to go on the hunt with everyone else in the village.
"But Leah's little plan is to go with the men right up front and shoot things with her bow and arrow." -Rachel pg. 336 -
Nelson goes to the price family because he feels like he needs to since he saw the chicken coop -
Orleanna sees and opportunity to get out and she walks straight out of the Congo -
Leah contracts malaria and decides to stay back with Anatole.
"I vaguely heard Anatole making promises to Mother on my behalf: he would get me well, he'd send me when I felt ready to go home." -Leah pg. 397 -
Back home
orleannna and adah are separated from the rest and make their way back to Georgia -
Adah starts to lose her slant because her friend that's a neurologist tells her he believes that she is acting out a lifelong falsehood.
"He insists there should have been complete compensation in the undamaged part of my cerebral cortex, and that my dragging right side is merely holding on to a habit it learned in infancy." -Adah pg. 439 -
Nathan kills children and gets burned by the people of the village.
"They said he waited till he was on fire before he jumped off. No one wanted to touch him, so they just left him there for the animals to drag off." pg. 487 -
Ruth may speaks at the end of the story and explains that she forgives her mom and it isn't her fault.