Priodic table

The Periodic Table Of Elements

By hjh01
  • 330

    Four Element Theory

    Four Element Theory
    330 BC Aristotle came up with the four element theory. This stated that there were four elemnts - fire, water, earth and air.
  • First Major List Of Elemnts

    First Major List Of Elemnts
    1770 AD - Antoine Lavoisier began to write the first major list of the elements. He finished this in 1789 This contained 33 elements that were distinguished between metals and non - metals, although, some of his elements were later found to be mixtures or compounds.
  • First Table Of Atomic Weights

    First Table Of Atomic Weights
    1828 - Jons Jakob Berzelius created a table of atomic weights. He was the first person to use letters to symbolize the elements.
  • Triads

    1829 - Johann dobereiner developed triads. These were three groups of three elements with similar properties. The triads were as follows; lithium, sodium, potassium and calcium, strontium, barium and chlorine, bromine, iodine. Johann was the first man to have the idea of putting the elements in groups.
  • Law Of Octaves

    Law Of Octaves
    1864 - John Newlands created the law of octaves. This identified similarities among the elements, though he did not leave room for the undiscovered elements. This was the first idea of periods.
  • Lothar's Table

    Lothar's Table
    1869 - Lothar Meyer made a table of 56 elements based on the elements properties.
  • Dmitri's Table

    Dmitri's Table
    1869 - Dmitri Mendeleev, the "father of the periodic table," produced a table with gaps for unknown elements. He could predict the properties of these unknown elements, such as the melting point.
  • Discovery Of The Noble Gases

    Discovery Of The Noble Gases
    1894 - William Rasmay discovered the noble gases. He was awarded a Nobel prize for this in1904.
  • Atomic Numbers

    Atomic Numbers
    1913 - Henry Moseley found the atomic number for each of the elements. He also modified the Periodic Law to read that the elements' properties vary periodically.
  • Moseley's Theory

    Moseley's Theory
    1914 - Henry Moseley theorised that there were three unknown elements between allumiun and gold.
  • Transuranic Elements

    Transuranic Elements
    1940 - Glenn Seaborg synthesised the transuranic elements, the ones after uranium. In 1951 he was given a Nobel prize for his efforts.