Periodic table of elements

The Periodic Table

  • 360


    Plato discoverers the term "Elements"
  • Element List

    Element List
    Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first intensive list of the 33 discovered elements, they where sorted in metals and non-metals.
  • Atomic Weight Table

    Atomic Weight Table
    Jakob Berzelius, Creates an Atomic Weight table and introduced letters and symbols for elements.
  • Groups Of Elements

    Groups Of Elements
    Johann Dobereiner grouped elements with similar properties in to groups of three.
  • Arraging the elements

    Arraging the elements
    John Newlands, arranged the known elements in order of atomic weights & observed similarities between some elements.
  • First Periodic table

    Lothar Meyer develops an early version of the periodic table, with 28 elements.
  • A Better Periodic Table

    A Better Periodic Table
    Dmitri Mendeleev, Made his Periodic table based on atomic weights, but organised them "periodically" elements that had the similar propertied where placed under each other. His table had 66 elements in it.
  • Noble Gases

    Noble Gases
    William Ramsay Discovered noble gases.