The Peloponnesian War

  • 477 BCE

    Delian League Formed

  • 456 BCE

    Helot Revolution in Sparta

  • 449 BCE

    First Peloponnesian War begins

  • 445 BCE

    30 Years Peace signed

  • 445 BCE

    First Peloponnesian War Ends

    30 Years Peace begins
  • 432 BCE

    Sparta prepares for war

  • 431 BCE

    Second Peloponnesian War Begins

    Athens invades Megara
  • 429 BCE

    Siege of Platea

    Athens is struck by plague. The siege ends two years later in 427 BCE.
  • 425 BCE

    Battle of Sphakteria

    Athens also goes against Pylos
  • 424 BCE

    Athens attacks

    Megara and Boetia- both failures
  • 421 BCE

    Peace of Nicias

    After Athens takes Pylos. It lasts for 3 years.
  • 418 BCE

    Sparta attacks Argos

    First major attack after the Peace of Nicias
  • 415 BCE

    Athens wages war on Syracuse

    Alcibiades takes over Athens and pursues a more militaristic strategy. The campaign lasts until 413 BCE.
  • 413 BCE

    Sparta defeats Athenian fort in Dekelaia

    With the help of Alcibiades who switches sides.
  • 412 BCE

    Rhodes and Persia join the Spartans

  • 410 BCE

    Athens defeats Sparta at Cyzius

    With the help of Alcibiades who switched sides again.
  • 408 BCE

    Lysander becomes commander of Sparta

  • 407 BCE

    Sparta defeats Athens at Notium

  • 404 BCE

    Sparta attacks the Piraeus

    They end up completely exposing the Athenians- they surrender.
  • 404 BCE

    The Second Peloponnesian War Ends