The Path to WWII

  • invasion of Manchuria

    invasion of Manchuria
    The Japanese first invaded Manchuria, killing and raping countless natives.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Italy invades Ethiopia, who begs for help from the league of nations. They had done nothing in response.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Francisco Franco Bahamonde led a civil war in Spain, turning it into a fascist nation. Hitler used this war as training for his military.
  • annexation of Austria

    annexation of Austria
    Germany had now concord Austria due to the fact that Hitler was born there.
  • The invasion of Sudetenland

    The invasion of Sudetenland
    Hitler invaded Sudetenland, and, yet again, was met with little resistance from the league of nations.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Hitler invades Poland, also known as the September Campaign. This had been the final straw and caused ww2 too start.