Slavery 1

The Path to Slavery

By alind
  • Africans Arrive in Virginia

    Africans Arrive in Virginia
    In 1619, twenty African slaves migrated to VA. *It was not unusual for blacks to be held in slavery *Some were indentured servants. Indentured servants weren't slaves. They only served a master for a certain amount of time, and when that time was up, they were free people. *Most of the first Virginians were slaves. *Religion may have effected status. All free blacks had Christian names. *Free blacks could own land or servants, They could also sue or be sued.
  • Laws Restricting Free Blacks

    Laws Restricting Free Blacks
    From 1640, black men couldn't serve in the militia or carry weapons, and Black women were taxed, unlike English women.
  • More Laws Against Free Blacks

    More Laws Against Free Blacks
    Free black men are now prohibited from owning English servants. The position of blacks was quickly sinking.
  • Period: to

    Settlers of African Origin

  • Rights of Free Blacks Deteriorates

    Rights of Free Blacks Deteriorates
    Whites begin to feel threatned by blacks. By now, the rights of the free blacks (and all blacks in general) has greatly deteriorated. The assembly writes institution of slavery into Virginia law.
  • Period: to

    Laws Created Throughout the 1660s

  • Slavery by Condition of Mother

    Slavery by Condition of Mother
    In 1662, Virginia law established Slavery by Condition of Mother, meaning that any child born of a slave was a slave.
  • No Exemption for Baptism

    No Exemption for Baptism
    In 1667, Virginia law stated stated that converting to Christianity did not excempt a slave from bondage, thus removing another path to freedom.
  • Killing a Slave

    Killing a Slave
    In 1669 it became legal to kill your slave if he was disobeying you.
  • End of 17th Century

    End of 17th Century
    The end of the 17th Century
  • Slave Code

    Slave Code
    A book of laws for slaves was created.
  • Disenfranchised

    Blacks were not allowed to vote.