The Events and Movements Alongside the Farm-to-table Social Movement

  • Clarence Birdseye - Invents Flash Freezing

    Clarence Birdseye - Invents Flash Freezing
    In 1924, Clarence Birdseye invented the flash freezing process, which improved the quality of frozen food. He continued to develop and use technology to improve the packaging of his company's frozen goods. This technology was adopted by other companies packaging frozen foods.
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    WWII ended as the Allies won the war. The U.S. walked away with significant financial gain.
  • WWII Ends

    WWII Ends
    WWII ends as the Allies won the war. The U.S. walked away with significant financial gain.
  • Baby Boom

    Baby Boom
    1946 - 1964 - Men returned from the war and along with their return came the "baby boom".
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    Post WWII "Baby Boom"

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    Assembly Line Fast Food Chains Opened

  • 90% Of American Households had Freezers

    90% Of American Households had Freezers
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    Vietnam War

  • CO2 Emissions > 300 ppm (parts per mil)

    CO2 Emissions > 300 ppm (parts per mil)
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    Modern Environmental Social Movement

  • The Book "Silent Spring" Published

    The Book "Silent Spring" Published
    This book was written by a biologist who found that the chemicals that were being used as pesticides were poisoning not only bugs but fish, birds, and ultimately humans.
  • President John F. Kennedy Assassinated

    President John F. Kennedy Assassinated
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    The Counterculture Movement

  • Free Speech Movement

    Free Speech Movement
    In 1964, college students began to protest for free speech.
  • The Counterculture Movement

    The Counterculture Movement
    Member of the counterculture movement, hippies, moving against the norm of the time, embraced food directly from nature rather than the canned, frozen, and fast food that was acceptable at the time.
  • Cuyahoga River Ohio - Oil Fire

    Cuyahoga River Ohio - Oil Fire
  • U.S. Draft Lotteries for Vietnam

    U.S. Draft Lotteries for Vietnam
    Boys/men were conscripted through two draft lotteries for the Vietnam war.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
  • U.S.EPA - Environmental Protection Agency Established

    U.S.EPA - Environmental Protection Agency Established
  • Alice Waters - Restaurant Chez Panisse

    Alice Waters - Restaurant Chez Panisse
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    Farm-to-Table Social Movement

  • DDT Banned in the U.S.

    DDT Banned in the U.S.
    DDT was used in pesticides in crops.
  • President Richard Nixon Resigns

    President Richard Nixon Resigns
  • Chemists found CFCs Eroding Ozone

    Chemists found CFCs Eroding Ozone
  • NASA - Nimbus 7 Measures Ozone Layer

    NASA - Nimbus 7 Measures Ozone Layer
    The Nimbus 7 spacecraft was the first to have the tech to measure the ozone layer
  • CO2 Emissions 335ppm (parts per mil)

    CO2 Emissions 335ppm (parts per mil)
    In 1980, the global CO2 concentration reached 335ppm (parts per million)
  • Alice Waters - Founds Edible Schoolyard Project

    Alice Waters - Founds Edible Schoolyard Project
  • Dan Barber - Blue Hill Owner & Chef

    Dan Barber - Blue Hill Owner & Chef