The Overthrow Of Hawaii

By Kenyon
  • Kalakaua Elected As King

    Kalakaua Elected As King
    Major Role Player : David Kalakaua After the dead of King Lunalilo David Kalakaua was elected as king in an election against Queen Dowager Emma. He was declared the new king even though he didn't win by popular vote
  • The Reciprocity Treaty

    The Reciprocity Treaty
    Major Role Players : American Farmers, America Because of a Civil in the United States sugar from the south was not allowed to be shipped to the north making Hawaiian sugar go up in value from American Planters in Hawaii.
  • Bayonet Constitution

    Bayonet Constitution
    Major Role Players: U.S. and Hawaiian Represenatives King Kalakaua was held at gunpoint with bayonets to sign a new constitution that gave the native Hawaiian's land rights to foreigners and allow foreigners to vote.
  • The Mckinley Tariff

    The Mckinley Tariff
    Major Role Players: The U.S. and Hawaii Hawaii’s tax-free trading status for sugar was removed when the U.S. congress approved the Mckinley Tariff. This dropped Hawaii’s sugar prices by 40% causing many Planters to lose wealth. Powerful sugar growers in Hawaii realized that if Hawaii was annexed their tax on shipping would be removed because Hawaii would be a part of the U.S.
  • King Kalakaua's Death

    King Kalakaua's Death
    David Kalakaua After ruling Hawaii from 1974-1891 King Kalakaua passed a way leaving the throne empty.
  • Queen Liliuokalani takes the throne

    Queen Liliuokalani takes the throne
    Queen Lili'uokalani After the death of King Kalakaua Queen lili'uokala Inherited the throne
  • The Queen's New Constitution

    The Queen's New Constitution
    Major Role Players : Queen Lili'uokalani Queen Lili’uokalani proposed a new constitution that would take control away from Foreigners, and restore the Hawaiian Monarch’s power.
  • Queen Lili'uokalani Overthrown

    Queen Lili'uokalani Overthrown
    Major Role Players : Stanford B. Dole, Committee of safety, John L. Stevens The Committee of Safety Staged a coup against the queen, and placed her under house arrest for treason. In exchange for her supporters to be pardoned, Queen Lili'uokalani signed a formal abduction.
  • Hawaii annexed

    Hawaii annexed
    U.S. Congress, President McKinley, Stanford B. Dole. "House Joint Resolution 259, 55th Congress, 2nd session, known as the "Newlands Resolution," passed Congress and was signed into law by President McKinley on July 7, 1898 — the Hawaiian islands were officially annexed by the United States. Sanford Dole became the first Governor of the Territory of Hawaii."