
The Outsiders

  • Ponyboy got jumped by a group of Socs

    Ponyboy got jumped by a group of Socs
    Ponyboy was backing up, away from the knife.Socs had him down in a sceond, they had ponyboy's arms and legs pinned down, and one of them was sitting on my chest with his knees on Ponyboy's elbows.Scos tried to cut Ponyboy's hair, Ponyboy got hurt as well.Finally, Ponyboy's brothers and his friends came to save him.
    The reason why it is important: Introduce the Greasers and Socs, two groups, to the readers in the first time, and show the conflict between these two groups.
  • Period: to

    The Outsiders

  • Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally went to a drive in Movie Theater, and met Cherry and Marcia.

    Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally went to a drive in Movie Theater, and met Cherry and Marcia.
    Ponyboy ,Johnny and Dally went to a theater called The Dingo, and met two Socs girls, Marcia and Cherry.They had a long talk.
    The reason why it is important: Introduce Cherry and Marcia these two Socs girls.
  • While Greasers were talking to Cherry and Marcia, Bob came and they almost had a fight.

    While Greasers were talking to Cherry and Marcia, Bob came and they almost had a fight.
    While they were talking with Cherry and Marcia, Bob, Cherry's boyfriend, was coming with a group of Socs.They had a comflict, and almost had a fight.
    The reason why it is important: Introduce the relationship between two girls and Socs.Tells readers the conflict between Bob, Ponyboy and Johnny, and set the base of the fight between Bob, Ponyboy and Johnny
  • Ponyboy and Johnny encountered Bob and a group of Socs again, they had a fight.

    Ponyboy and Johnny encountered Bob and a group of Socs again, they had a fight.
    Ponyboy and Johnny woke up in the park in the early morning, and met a group of Socs who were drunk at that time.
  • After Bob died, Ponyboy and Johnny ran away to ask for Dally’s help

    After Bob died, Ponyboy and Johnny ran away to ask for Dally’s help
    Ponyboy and Johnny were very scared about Bob’s death, then they asked for Dally’s help. After they found Dally, Dally gave them some money, and told them a plan to hide in an old church.
    The reason why it is important: This event tells the reason why Ponyboy and Johnny went to the old church and promotes the plot development.
  • Ponyboy and Johnny had a haircut

     Ponyboy and Johnny had a haircut
    In order to stay away from the police, and not let them recognize Ponyboy and Johnny, they cut their hair. Ponyboy was so sad about this for the long hair was his pride.
    The reason why it is important: This event shows the feelings of Ponyboy about Greasers. He thought the long hair is the symbol of the Greaser, and that was his pride.
  • Ponyboy got home late. Darry was angry with him, and hit him badly.

    Ponyboy got home late. Darry was angry with him, and hit him badly.
    It happened at 2:00 a.m. in the morning.Ponyboy got home late.Darry was mad at him, they had an argument, Darry slapped Ponyboy to the door. Ponyboy was sad and ran away.
    The reason why it is important: Tell the reason that Ponyboy escaped from his home with Johnny,and set the base of the fight with Bob
  • Bob shoved Ponyboy’s face into the fountain, and Ponyboy almost drowned

    Bob shoved Ponyboy’s face into the fountain, and Ponyboy almost drowned
    Socs caught Ponyboy and put his face into the water of the fountain, and Ponyboy was almost died.
    The reason why it is important: Tells the reason why Johnny killed Bob in the park.
  • Johnny stabbed Bob with a knife, and caused his death.

    Johnny stabbed Bob with a knife, and caused his death.
    Johnny thought Ponyboy was going to be killed by the Socs, and he felt extremely anxious about that. Then he took out his knife, and stabbed Bob. This action caused Bob’s death.
    The reason why it is important: Cause one important role’s death, and take a big impact on the plot next.
  • They went to the old church as soon as they could

    They went to the old church as soon as they could
    They bought train tickets which set out at 3.15 am. They spent almost a day getting to the old church. When they arrived there, the sun was rising. They fell asleep and did not wake up until afternoon.
    The reason why it is important: Promote the development of the plot.
  • Ponyboy and Johnny hid in the old church for a while, read a book and had some discussions

    Ponyboy and Johnny hid in the old church for a while, read a book and had some discussions
    They hid in an old church for some days, and they read Gone With The Wind to kill time. There was one sentence left them a really deep impression: Nothing gold can stay.
    The reason why it is important: This period of time reminded Ponyboy of the wonderful memories with his brothers. It is also the part before climax.
  • They did not run. They went back to the burning church, and saved some children from it

    They did not run. They went back to the burning church, and saved some children from it
    After a little time they went out of the church, they found the old church was on fire, then they ran into the church to save several children.
    The reason why it is important: This event reach the climate of the whole story, and set the base of wound that people suffered.
  • Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally all got hurt because of saving children, and were taken to the hospital

    Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally all got hurt because of saving children, and were taken to the hospital
    They saved the children successfully, but all of them got injured. The ambulance took these three boys to the hospital.
    The reason why it is important: They got hurt because of saving children. People changed their mind, stereotype, about Greasers. It also caused Johnny’s death.
  • Dally came to see them. They had a smoke, and the cigarette probably caused the fire

    Dally came to see them. They had a smoke, and the cigarette probably caused the fire
    After a period of time that they hid in the old church, Dally came to the old church to see Ponyboy and Johnny, and he smoked in the church.
    The reason why it is important: This Dally’s cigarette probably caused the fire in the church. This event promoted the appearance of climax.
  • Ponyboy reunited with his brothers again.

    Ponyboy reunited with his brothers again.
    When Darry and Soda met Ponyboy in the hospital, they hugged together. Darry was crying.
    The reason why it is important: This event lets Ponyboy realize Darry loves him very much. They care about each other.
  • The Greasers and Socs had a fight, and Greasers won

    The Greasers and Socs had a fight, and Greasers won
    They would fight at 7:00 pm. The fight was really fierce and many people got injured. Ponyboy’s head was hurt badly by the Socs. However, Greasers won in the end.
    The reason why it is important: This is kind of a small climax in this story. It shows the serious conflict between Socs and Greasers.
  • Dally could not accept Johnny’s death, and robbed the grocery store. Then he got shot by the police and died

    Dally could not accept Johnny’s death, and robbed the grocery store. Then he got shot by the police and died
    After Johnny passed away, Dally was extremely sad. He could not live without Johnny. He robbed a grocery store at night. He was chased by the police for a while. Then he got shot by the police and died.
    The reason why it is important: This event describes another main character's death. Readers can feel the deep affection between Dally and Johnny.
  • Ponyboy fainted because of the concussion

    Ponyboy fainted because of the concussion
    After Ponyboy saw Dally’s death, he fainted immediately. He got a concussion because of the rumble. He slept for three days.
    The reason why it is important: Ponyboy fainted unexpectedly made the plot become more interesting and unpredictable. It also showed the death of Johnny and Dally stroke Ponyboy a lot.
  • Ponyboy had a long talk with Randy

    Ponyboy had a long talk with Randy
    Ponyboy met a Socs called Randy. They talked about the coming fight between Socs and Greasers.
    The reason why it is important: This talk enabled them to change their stereotypes about Socs and Greasers. It introduced the coming fight between Socs and Greasers to readers as well. Randy also mentioned that the fight was useless.
  • Johnny died in the hospital, and he told Ponyboy to stay gold

    Johnny died in the hospital, and he told Ponyboy to stay gold
    Johnny hurt badly on his back for saving children from the burning house. When Ponyboy and Dally came to see him, he was dying. He said the victory of that fight could not change anything. It was pointless and useless. After he told Ponyboy to stay gold, he passed away.
    The reason why it is important: One of the main characters was dead. Johnny’s death also caused Dally’s death later.
  • After Ponyboy got better, he went to the court with his brothers and several Socs

    After Ponyboy got better, he went to the court with his brothers and several Socs
    Ponyboy and his brothers went to the court with several Socs. Ponyboy tried to pretend that he killed Bob because he did not want this murder to make quite a dent in Johnny's reputation. However, the Judge asked other people several questions instead of talking with him.
    The reason why it is important: This event describes what happened after two greasers died.
  • Ponyboy was acquitted of a charge, and was allowed to live with his brothers and went to school as usual

    Ponyboy was acquitted of a charge, and was allowed to live with his brothers and went to school as usual
    This means Ponyboy could reunite with his brothers, and he do not have to leave them to live in a welfare house. He could return to his normal life with his brothers and the school.
    The reason why it is important: This event set the base for the ending of the story.
  • Ponyboy saw Johnny's letter and wrote an essay about what he had experienced, and what he thought

    Ponyboy saw Johnny's letter and wrote an essay about what he had experienced, and what he thought
    After several people’s death, Ponyboy’s life returned to normal gradually, he went to school again, and his teacher asked him to write an essay as a homework. After Ponyboy saw Johnny’s letter, he decided to write his recent experience into the essay.
    The reason why it is important: The end of the story is pretty similar to the beginning. This ending also express Ponyboy’s memory of the people who is dead in the whole story.
  • Ponyboy went back to school and wrote an essay about what he had experienced, and what he thought

    Ponyboy went back to school and wrote an essay about what he had experienced, and what he thought
    This ending also shows the theme to readers: Ponyboy wanted to tell people cherish your life, your friends and your family. Everyone is equal and has the same right, we can’t have the discrimination.