The outsiders

  • The ponyboy's life

    The ponyboy's life
    He has two brothers: One is Sodapop who is 16, another is Darry who need to work long time everyday, and about his friends: Dally, Two-bit, Steve and Johnny. On his way back to home, he cross Socs path, they take blade held against his throat, then his friends and brothers came to save him. It's talk about Pony's family and have a good begining for the while story. To describe greaser's status in this society
  • The memory about Johnny

    The memory about Johnny
    Pony have a memory about Johnny’s encounter, the Socs intercept and beat him up, after Johnny became cowardly, he afraid to walk alone, and every time he went to somewhere, he always take a six-inch switchblade to protect himself.
  • Pony run away from home

    Pony run away from home
    Pony back to home too late, and his brothers are worried about him, Soda stick up for Pony, Darry order him shut up! Pony though nobody should ever holler at his brother, so he shouted to Darry that he don’t yell at Soda. It’s makes Darry to be crazy, he slapped Pony so hard. All of them are frozen, Pony ran out of the door and went to find Johnny, and have a heart-to-heart talk with him.
  • They asked Dally for help.

    They asked Dally for help.
    Pony and Johnny have no idea that what they should, so they go and to saw Dally. Dally gave them a gun and a few money to help them go to the other town. They furtively take the train
  • Johnny was commit a crime

    Johnny was commit a crime
    In the park, Socs came to found them, because they thoughthe greaser rap their girlfriend, Five more Socs are in drunk, the persin who named David try to be drowned Pony. After Pony fall in a faint, he is lying the path, then Johnny told him that he was killed Bob, it's because Bob close to killed Pony, and he need to save him and pretece him.
  • The drive-ins

    The drive-ins
    1、Pony went to the drive-ins with Johnny , Dally and Soda. And they knew two girls: Cherry and Marcia. When Soda went to bought something to drunk, Pony talk with girls about Soda, and he knew the came drive-ins with their boyfriend. . Then Dally came, and began to annoyed Cherry. Soda had back and asked him don’t do that. Two-bit come to join them when Dally has gone, finally they talk together.
  • Danger will comes

    Danger will comes
    On the way Pony Two-bit and Johnny walk two girls home, but there not favoring for everything. Bob and Randy come by the blue car, although they decide pretend unsighted see Bob and Randy, but the two still know them. Cherry and Marcia bend to Bob and Randy, and got in the car. Before they gone, Cherry told a sentence to Pony that she could fall in love with Dally.For the chapter 4,when Bob and other Socs come to hurt them, to make the pave
  • They change the appearance.

    They change the appearance.
    Johnny went shopping and bought something to made he and Pony to change their visage to dodge police’s chase,to make sure that police can not know Johnny is the person who killed people and have the return to the theme,make the storycan be continued from the preceding paragraph
  • Run away for the save place

    Run away for the save place
    They got of the train, and to find a Jay Mountain. There had a archaic little church on that mountain, and they determine to stay there.
    To pave the story of the following
  • Dally come to see them

    Dally come to see them
    Dally has come to see them, and took the Soda’s letter for Pony. It is said that Darry was so sorry about what he did, and want him back to home.
    Make the prepare to the piont that Darry and Soda hope him can forgive their wrong,or asked them what they should to apologetic
  • The conflagration at church

    The conflagration at church
    After the conflagration at church
    Dally ,Dallas and Tohnny was live in hospital . dally’s arm was badly burned and would bu scarred for thr rest of his life .Dallas is okay. Johnny back had been broken and suffering form third-degree burns. The docter told them ‘ Johnny had crippled” . Soda would not be able to cope and might suffer a nervou breakdown. They are become famous , because of this conflagration.
  • They are became a ‘hero’

    They are became a ‘hero’
    One day, Tow-bit and steve come to Soda’s house. They find Soda was boarded a newpaper, on the front page of the second section was the headline:JUVENILE DELINQUENTS TURE HEROES. The whple page was covered with stories about them_ the fight,the murder,the church burning.....After reading the newspaper,Soda realize the will put in a boy’s home or something. This thing is changed people's views on them.
  • Tow-bit come to hospital to visit Johnny

     Tow-bit come to hospital to visit Johnny
    The nurses wouldn’t let them see Johnny, because Johnny was in critical condition. Johnny was lying still,with his eyes closed. Then, Johnny opened them and looked at them when they talk with Johnny. They told Johnny he was boarded on newpaper. However, Johnny wants a copy of Gone with the wind so they can read it to him. They hide the actual situation about Johnny . To describe Johnny's state of an illness.
  • A rumble was set for seven

    A rumble was set for seven
    The is plan to begin in seven o’clock ,no weapons and fair deal.Socials bided them time for revenge. Darry spent a ehole summer teaching them everything he had learned on the grouds that it might come in handy in a fight.. Tim Shepard and company were already waiting when Dany and tow-bit arrived at the vacant lot, along with a gang from Brumly, one of the suburbs. The rumble was on. Dallas Winston ran to join them. Finally ,they are win. If they all stick together, everything will be okay.
  • .they are come to hospital to visit Johnny again

    .they are come to hospital to visit Johnny again
    On this night, they are come to hospital to visit Johnny again.
    Johnny all proud of Darry. Because of Darry was calling hero now. Darry barely heard him. He came closer and leaned over to hear what Johnny was going to say . Tohnny died after he let Ponyboy Stay gold. In fact, the first they come to hospital to visit Johnny. His condition was very bad. Maybe he has been sticking to wait them to win the fight.
  • After Tohnny died

    After Tohnny died
    Ponyboy come back home,and told everybody Johnny was died. There was a stricken silence. Soda make a funny noise and looked like he was going to start crying. Tow-bit ‘s eyes were closed and his teeth waea clenched. Dallas ran out like the devil was after him. He’s gonna blow up.he couldn’t take it. It is mean Johnny is very important with their friends. Therefore, his friends death will be an impossible burden on Johnny.
  • Darry receives a call from Dallas

    Darry receives a call from Dallas
    Dally phoned form a booth. He said he is just robbed a grocery store and he copa are after his. Darry plan to hide Dally. They all left the house at a dead run,even Steve. They reached the vacant lot jusy as Dally came in, running as hard as he could, formm the opposite direction. Then, Dally raised the gun, he was dead before he hit the ground.
  • Randy come to visit ponyboy

    Randy come to visit ponyboy
    Randy come to visit ponyboy to talk about last they fight. Bule Mustang kind of let his father down, being mixed uo in all this. The only thing Ponyboy felt in a long time was being scared. He had put off thinking about the judge and the hearing for as long as he could. The were all silently counting off the day that they had left together. Ponyboy going to take the rap for Johnny. It reflect his kindness . He is loyal to their friends.
  • The hearing

    The hearing
    Ponyboy,Darry,Soda,Randy ,Randy’s and all of people came to the hearing.when the judge all the people,is turn Ponyboy. He was scared almost stiff by judge ask him. The judge did not ask him a thing about Bob’s getting,killed. All the judge did ask him if he liked livling with Darry, if he like school, what kind of grades he made, and stuff like that. The judge said he was acquitted and the whole casw was closed. In front of the law enerybody equality ,the law is fair.
  • All to the end

    All to the end
    Darry and Ponyboy no more fights. They would probably still have misunderstandings ,but no more fights. They could not do anything to hurt Soda. Ponyboy still did not want to do his homework that night. Then he picked up Gone with the Wind and look at it for a long time. He try to remember all times he have had here. Finally , he finished the dissertation
  • Darry chat andTow-bit fight with bule Mustang.

    Darry chat andTow-bit fight with bule Mustang.
    When thwy had finished ckeanthe room,they started for Tenth street. They stopped at the Tasty Freeze to buy Coke and rest up, and the bule Mustang that had been trailing them for eight blocks pulled in. Darry hate Randy Adderson. Because of it was their fault bob was dead;their fault Johnny was dying;their fault Soda and he might get put in a boys’ home. But they did not fight. It is make reader feel surprise. They plan to fight, but they did not do that.