The Ottoman Empire

  • 1299

    1. Establishment of the Ottoman Empire

    1. Establishment of the Ottoman Empire
    Founder: Osman I
    Description: Osman I declares independence from the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum, establishing the foundation of what would become the Ottoman Empire. This marks the beginning of a new power in Anatolia.
  • 1453

    2. Fall of Constantinople

    2. Fall of Constantinople
    Key Figure: Sultan Mehmed II
    Description: The Ottomans capture Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire. This event transforms the city into Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, and solidifies Ottoman dominance in the region.
  • 1514

    3. Battle of Chaldiran

    3. Battle of Chaldiran
    Key Figure: Sultan Selim I
    Description: The Ottomans defeat the Safavid Empire in this pivotal battle, securing eastern Anatolia and asserting dominance over the Safavids. This victory also enhances the empire’s control over trade routes.
  • 1517

    4. Conquest of Egypt

    4. Conquest of Egypt
    Key Figure: Sultan Selim I
    Description: The Ottoman Empire conquers Egypt and gains control of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. This conquest marks the Ottoman Empire as the leading power in the Islamic world.
  • 1526

    5. Battle of Mohács

    5. Battle of Mohács
    Key Figure: Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent
    Description: The Ottomans achieve a decisive victory over the Kingdom of Hungary. This battle paves the way for Ottoman dominance in Central Europe and expands their territory significantly.
  • 1529

    6. First Siege of Vienna

    6. First Siege of Vienna
    Key Figure: Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent
    Description: The Ottoman Empire attempts to capture Vienna but fails. Despite the failure, this event demonstrates the extent of Ottoman power and their capacity to challenge European states deep into their territories.
  • 1571

    7. Battle of Lepanto

    7. Battle of Lepanto
    Description: A significant naval battle where the Holy League defeats the Ottoman fleet. This defeat halts Ottoman expansion in the Mediterranean and marks the beginning of European maritime dominance.
  • 8. Treaty of Karlowitz

    8. Treaty of Karlowitz
    Description: Following the Ottoman defeat in the Great Turkish War, the Treaty of Karlowitz is signed. The Ottomans cede large territories in Central Europe to the Habsburgs, marking a significant territorial loss and the beginning of a long period of decline.
  • 9. Young Turk Revolution

    9. Young Turk Revolution
    Description: The Young Turks, a reformist group, lead a revolution that restores the Ottoman constitution and parliamentary rule. This marks a significant shift towards modernization and attempts to rejuvenate the empire.
  • 10. Abolition of the Sultanate

    10. Abolition of the Sultanate
    Key Figure: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
    Description: The Sultanate is abolished, effectively ending the Ottoman Empire. This leads to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who reforms and modernizes the nation.