Brother, Henry Chapman
Her brother, Henry Chapman, was eight years older than her. He was born in 1833. He was a frail and sickly child, and he was never strong. -
Born in Kentucky. father, Samuel Chapman, was born in England, mother, Sarah Smeed Chapman too. -
Burlington, Iowa
They moved to Burlington, Iowa., when she was 4 years old. -
Prairie Schooners going westward
She remembered a few years later seeing lots of prairie schooners going westward with mottoes like these on the canvas tops: California or Bust, and For Oregon. She was 8 years old. -
Bach to Kentucky
They moved back to Kentucky in the early ’50s, but just before the Civil War they moved back to iowa. -
Across the plains for oregon
The doctor said a complete change of climate might bebeneficial to him, so, in 1853, when she was 12 years old, he and her brother Daniel started across the plains for Oregon -
Near Ashland
the claim Henry had taken up near Ashland in 1855 -
Fort Sumter on fire
She was 20 years old when Fort Sumter was fired on -
Back to Iowa
Times were flush in the early ’70s in Colorado. They paid her $225 a month and board. She was a young, good-looking, and vivacious. -
Came to Southern Oregon
In September 1880, when she was 44 years ago. her and Henry came to Southern Oregon. They went out to Henry’s place in the foothills -
Married Michael Mickelson
In 1890, when she was 49 years old, she married Michael Mickelson. She would not have married him, but he was sick and needed careful nursing, and she could care for him better as his wife than in any other way. -
Michael Michelson death
he died on October 5, 1894. -
"After my husband’s death I ran my brother’s ranch and also my husband’s. They were nine miles apart and I rode from one to the other on horseback through the mountains every day to superintendthe work. I bought this place and built my home in Ashland 21 years ago." -
Henrys death
Henry died in 1905, at an age of 72, he was born in 1833 -
She got plenty to think of
"I am 83 years – I will not say old, except in experience – and as I sit here alone of an evening, I find I have plenty to think of, though, of course, I would like to have young folks of my own flesh and blood about me."
She was dancing on her 83rd birthday