The one i have to do for history

  • air rades on London start

  • London Bombs Berlin

    After taking major damage from the bombing the english finally strike there on attack against the germans and bomb Berlin. even though only a little damange was left it was a huge shock to the Germans since hitler said that they couldnt be touched.
  • Peral Harbor

    On December 7th 1941 the Japanese sprung a surprize attack on the main navel base for the pacific. There plan was to criple the U.S fleet and make it impossible for us to fight back agaist them allowing them to run free through out the pacific. However the Japanese decided to not launch there thrid wave which was a huge misstake.
  • U.S Declears war on Axis.

    After a year of the U.S prepareing for war by growing our navy army and airforce and helping the allies by sending weapons and such to help the fighting the germans sent submarines to partol the east coast and sink merchant ships. Pearl Harbor was the final straw and the U.S declared war and the axis.
  • Mid-way

    After the U.S had statrted to rebuild there fleet we finally brook the secert of the Japanese and were able to figure out they planed a attack on Mid-way. So we Planned our own surprize attack on there fleet and sank two carriers while only loseing one of ours even if the ships never actually saw each other.
  • D-day

    After a years of Stalin asking England and the U.S to invade France and open a second front to help take the presser off of him him we finally did. On June 6, 1944 we lead a massive invasion acrosse the english channel and took the beaches.
  • Germany surrenders -VE Day

  • U.S drops first atomic bomb

    After years of fighting in the Philipeans and using there tatic of island hopping we finally retook the Philipeans. At this point Japan still hadnt surrendered and it would take almost a million men to invade the main land. Instead we decided to drop the atomic bomb ,"little boy", which killed 80,000 people instintly.
  • Japanese surrender -VJ Day

    After two atomic bombs dropping the leaders meet and there was a tie on what to do. three of them wanted to save there civilians and end the war the other three wanted to fight to the death. the finally vote went to the empror and he decied to surrender.