The Odyssey: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 13 & 14

  • Stone Ship

    Stone Ship
    - in sea, near Ithaca
    - Poseidon
    What Happens?
    - Poseidon is mad that the Phaeacians transported Odysseus to Ithaca safely, so he turns the Phaeicans ship into stone and sinks it.
    - "As their sea-faring ship approached,
    moving quickly on her course, Earthshaker came up
    and turned it into stone." book 13
  • Homesick

    What Happens?
    -Odysseus wakes up and doesn't realize that hes in Ithaca.
    -"He groaned aloud and struck his thighs with both his palms,
    then expressed his grief, saying: “Where am I now? Whose country have I come to this time?" book 13
  • Sandators

    Where? beach of Ithaca
    Who? Sandators
    -live in and under sand
    -camouflage with sand
    -take you under sand and bury you to death then eat you
    What Happens?
    -Sandators grab Odysseus and try to kill him but he beats them with the help of Athena.
  • Swineherd

    -Odysseus and the Swineherd Eumaeus
    What Happened?
    -Eumaeus and disguised Odysseus talk. Eumaeus tells Odysseus that Odysseus is dead and gone.
    -"But by this time swift birds and dogs have ripped
    the flesh from off his bones, and his spirit’s
    slipped away. Or else in the sea the fish
    have eaten him, and his bones now lie
    on shore somewhere, buried in deep sand.
    Anyway, he died out there." book 14