Odyssey 0

The Odyssey

  • The Trojan war

    The Trojan war
    Odysseus was in the trojan war, and he and his men were on there journy home after the fall of troy.
  • The search for Odysseu's

    The search for Odysseu's
    Telemachus has been searching the Mediterranean world for his father, who has never returned from the ten-year Trojan War.
  • Period: to

    The Odyssey

  • Odysseus held captive

    Odysseus held captive
    After the war, Odysseus spends 10 years with Calypso as a prisoner.
  • Athena helps out

    Athena helps out
    The goddess Athena has supported and helped Odysseus on his long journey. Now she begs her father, zeus to help.
  • Zues has had anough

    Zues has had anough
    Zues sends his messenger god hermes to order Odysseus released.
  • Poseidons hood

    Poseidons hood
    So Odysseus builds the raft and sets sail. But the sea god Poseidon is by no means ready to allow an easy passage over his watery domain. And destroys his raft.
  • Cyclops

    Odysseus lands on Scheria and meets Nausicaa. Then Odysseus and his men raid the Cicones.When they arrive at the Land of the Lotus Eaters, Odysseus then faces the Cyclops.
  • Odysseus wins

    Odysseus wins
    Odysseus blinds the Cyclops
  • Circe's attack

    Circe's attack
    Circe turns most his men into swine.
  • The Blind Prophet

    The Blind Prophet
    Odysseus vists Teiresias in the Underworld, Because he is seeking his future.
  • Odysseus's future

    Odysseus's future
    The Blind Prophet tells Odysseus that he will be the only on e of his men left alive. And that he will kill the men trying to marry his wife.
  • The sacrifice

    The sacrifice
    .Odysseus passes between Scylla and Charybdis. And he has to sacrifise 3 of his men.
  • Odysseus the spy

    Odysseus the spy
    Athena has disguised Odysseus as a beggar, so he can spy on his son and wife.
  • Penelope knows

    Penelope knows
    Penelope takes an interest in this strange beggar, suspecting that he might be her long-lost husband. Penelope organizes an archery contest the following day and promises to marry any man who can string Odysseus’s great bow and fire an arrow through a row of twelve axes—a feat that only Odysseus has ever been able to do.
  • The last stand

    The last stand
    Odysseus shoots the arow through all twelve axes, and evryone else fails. after that Odysseus reveals his self, and killed all of the men trying to marry his wife.
  • The End

    The End
    Odysseus reunites with his beloved son and wife. As king, once again.