Departing Troy
Odysseus has left Troy, they end up finding the Cicones & decide to raid them. They don't end the raiding until the Ciconians kill 72 of Odysseus men. -
Meeting the Lotus Eaters
Odysseus and his men arrive on the Lotus Eaters Island. Odysseus sends 3 men to go see who lives on the island. The 3 men east the Lotus and never want to leave nor report back to Odysseus. So Odysseus retrieves them and ties them under their benches as they leave the Island. -
Cyclops Troubles
Odysseus and his men come across a cyclops that starts to eat Odysseus's men. Odysseus and 4 of his men rammed a stake into the Cyclops's eye and rode his sheep to safety. -
Circe the Sly But Beauty
Odysseus and half of his men meet Circe who turns his men into swine and tries to turn him into one aswell. But with Hermes help Odysseus can't be turned into a swine. Circe falls for Odysseus and he has her turn his men back to human, then he goes and gets his men and stays with Circe for many years. Odysseus ends up wanting to leave and Circe helps him leave and be aware of the troubles ahead. -
The Sirens
Odysseus encounter Sirens on his quest back home. He has his men clog their ears with wax and have them tie him up. As they pass by the Sirens Odysseus begs his men to untie him and they decide to tie him up tighter. As the Sirens get farther and farther in the distance it all ends. -
The Demon Scylla
Odysseus continues his journey and meets Scylla. She gets away with 6 of Odysseus's men. The last thing Odysseus heard was his fallen men yell his name as Scylla eats them. -
Helios and Zeus's Wrath
A year or so after Odysseus and his men encountered Scylla and got out alive they ended up stopping on Helios's Island. His men ate some of Helios's cattle after Odysseus warned them not to. Helios furious threatened to stop shining the sun cause of this and Zeus set a lightning bolt down to sink Odysseus's ship. Only Odysseus survived, his men were dead at sea. -
Calypso's Love
Odysseus drifts for a year and ends up drifting to Calypso's Island. She then keeps Odysseus there for seven years before he goes back to his home.