The Nuremberg Trials

  • Robert H. Jackson appointed

    Robert H. Jackson appointed
    Robert H. Jackson was appointed the US Chief of Counsel in the prosecution of war criminals.
  • Nuremberg Trials begin

  • Mr. Sidney Alderman started presentation

    Mr. Sidney Alderman started the presentation of Nazi '…planning, initiating and waging of aggressive war' which was a crime in the first count.
  • Concentration Camp film shown

    Concentration Camp film shown
    A very dramatic film that was shown to those at the trial. To watch the video use link below: WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES
  • First Live Witness

    First Live Witness
    The first live witness at the trial was German General Erwin Lahousen. Lahousen testified against Goering and many others who were on trial. He was part of a small group that attempted to assassinate Hitler on several accounts.
  • Hess confesses

    Hess confesses
    Hess confessed that he faked memory loss to slow down his trial.
  • Ernst Kaltenbruner pleads not guilty

    Ernst Kaltenbruner pleads not guilty
    Ernst Kaltenbruner pleaded not guilty for his charges. Kaltenbruner was under the direct charge of Heinrich Himmler and was charged with the extermination and ill treatment of the Jews.
  • the Nazi Plan film

    A film that was split into 4 parts was shown at the trial and was named the 'Nazi Plan'. The film was shot by German's and the 4 parts were called:
    1. “The Rise of the NSDAAP, 1921-33;
    2. “Acquiring Control of Germany, 1933-35″;
    3. “Preparation for Wars of Aggression, 1935-39″; and
    4. “Wars of Aggression, 1939-1944″.
  • Thomas Dodd presents evidence

    Thomas Dodd presents evidence
    Thomas Dodd presented evidence of Nazi concentration camps. He showed tattooed skin and a shrunken human head from Buchenwald Camp and a death book from the Mauthausen Camp.
  • Robert Storey makes presentation

    Colonel Robert Storey made a presentation about the corrupt forms of leadership in Germany. From the Nazi Party, the Reich Cabinet and the SA (storm troopers).
  • Robert Storey about Jewish homes

    Colonel Robert Storey presented the plundering of Jewish homes. He also told the tribunal that over 38,000 homes were plundered in Paris alone.
  • Storey's case against Gestapo and SS

    Colonel Robert Storey presented a case against the Gestapo and the SD or SS. Both organisations were corrupt and were feared by many in Europe.
  • Commander Whitney Harris brings evidence

    Commander Whitney Harris brings evidence
    Lt. Commander Whitney Harris brought forward evidence of Kaltenbruner's punishments and executions of people in concentration camps as well as slave labourers.
  • Ralph Albrecht presents evidence

    Ralph Albrecht presented evidence against Herman Goering which included his part in the Munich Putsch and his involvement in the concentration camps.
  • Dr Franz Blaha

    Dr Franz Blaha was an inmate at Dachau Concentration Camp and he testified about people who visited the camps and about the doctors how the doctors at the camp did inhumane testing on healthy patients.
  • Maurice Lampe testify's

    A man named Maurice Lampe testified against Himmler by saying that he had visited the concentration camp named Mauthausen to watch the shooting og 50 Soviet POW's.
  • Roman Rudenko makes opening speech

    Roman Rudenko makes opening speech
    Chief Russian Prosecutor General Roman Rudenko made his opening speech.
  • Hans Frank hands over diary

    Hans Frank hands over diary
    Hans Frank handed over his diary, which became an important piece of evidence in the trials.
  • Hjalmar Schacht brought to the stand

    Hjalmar Schacht brought to the stand
    Hjalmar Schacht was brought to the stand, Robert H Jackson asked Schacht questions and asked him to identify the close criminal circle around Hitler. Which Schacht answered Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Borman, Von Ribbentrop and Heydrich. Jackson then brought forward photographs that showed Schacht with the so called 'criminals'.
  • karl Doenitz denies knowledge

    karl Doenitz denies knowledge
    Karl Doenitz was a commander of the Submarine Arm of the Navy and denied any knowledge of the concentration camps and the murder of Jews.
  • Dr Martin Horn made final statement

    Dr Martin Horn made final statement
    Dr Martin Horn who was the counsel for Joachim von Ribbentrop, made his final statement on behalf of von Ribbentrop.
  • Robert H. Jackson makes final statement

    Robert H. Jackson makes final statement
    Robert H. Jackson does his closing statement.
  • General Roman Rudenko makes final statement

    General Roman Rudenko makes final statement
    General Roman Rudenko for USSR makes his final statement which lasted four hours. His view was that all defendants should face the death penalty.
  • Sir Hartley Shawcross makes final statement

    Sir Hartley Shawcross makes final statement
    Sir Hartley Shawcross from England made his final statement, and his statement was the longest from the trials.
  • Nuremberg Trials end

  • sentences given out

  • Judgements read out

    Judgements read out
    the judgements against all of the men were read out.
    3 were acquitted
    7 were sent to prison and
    12 sent to die by hanging
  • Hermann Goering committed suicide

    Hermann Goering committed suicide
    Hermann Goering committed suicide the day before his planned execution by swallowing a cyanide pill.
  • Ten reamining defendants were hanged

  • Criminals hanged

    The ten remaining defendants were hanged.