Megan is born!
Megan was born at Spectrum Health Butterworth Hospital at 9:44 pm. She weighed 6 pounds and 9 ounces. She was 19 inches in length. -
Megan is adopted!
Megan was adopted when she was 2 days old by Scott and Susan Markus. Her biological mother chose adoption because she was only 17 years old when Megan was born. -
Scout is born!
Grandpa Bill and Grandma Bonnie adopted Scout, an English Springer Spaniel, the same year Megan was born. They became the best of friends. -
Megan learns to walk!
Megan learned to walk at 13 months, on her Grandma Phyl's 64th birthday. -
Megan learns to open doors!
Megan learned to open the doorknob lock on the doors and got into a lot of trouble. -
Megan learns to play computer games!
Megan learned to play computer games with a CD-ROM on the desktop computer. -
Megan is baptized!
Megan was baptized at Corinth Reformed Church. -
Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
Grandma Bonnie was babysitting Megan while this was being televised, but being the stubborn girl she was (and still is), she wanted to watch her cartoons. -
Megan gets a sister!
Megan's sister, Mindy, is born and is also adopted. She was born at 4:45 pm. -
Megan eats a lime!
Megan found out that she is allergic to limes when her Grandma Bonnie shared a lime with her at Silver Lake Sand Dunes. The sun was shining, and Megan's skin had a reaction to the lime. -
Megan goes to Disney World!
Megan went to Disney World at the age of 4 with her mom and dad, leaving her 1 year old sister at home. -
Megan starts Kindergarten!
Megan started Kindergarten at Countryside Elementary with Mrs. Grosvernor as a teacher. -
Megan learns how to ride a bike!
Megan learned how to ride a bike up at their cottage at Silver Lake. -
Grandpa Ted dies.
Grandpa Ted, who was her dad's father, died of liver cancer and heart failure. -
Steve Jobs announces the iPhone!
Megan reads a challenging book!
Megan read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and successfully passed the "Reading Counts" quiz on it. -
The Markus Family moves!
The Markus Family moved out of their 13 year old house into an apartment across from Countryside Elementary, and then they moved to their newly built house located right near Byron Center High School. -
Megan gets her first technology device!
Megan, using her own spending money, bought a second generation iPod touch. -
Megan swims with dolphins!
Megan, Mindy, and their mom Susan swam with dolphins at Hawks Cay Resort in the Florida Keys. -
Megan gets her first cell phone!
Megan got her first cell phone, a Samsung, paid for by her parents. Her cell phone was a simple slide phone used for texting and calling. It was green and black. -
Mickey dies.
Megan's dog, Mickey, dies of pancreatic cancer at the age of 7. -
The Markus Family gets their third dog!
They got their third dog Maximus, or Maxx, from the Daisy Dog breeder Jennifer Peterson. He is a small black puppy with three white paws and a white chest. -
Megan gets her driver's license!
Megan got her driver's license after waiting a year to turn 16. She currently drives a burgundy 1997 Malibu. -
The Markus Family travels to the West Coast!
The Markus Family traveled to California for a summer vacation. They visited Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Disneyland, Sequoia National Park, Yosemite National Park (Redwood trees), Pebble Beach/Monterey, and San Francisco. -
Donald Trump becomes President of the United States!
Donald Trump, much to the surprise of many Americans, won the 2016 election over Hillary Clinton. -
Megan graduates from Byron Center High School!
Megan completed four years at Byron Center High School and received an overall GPA of 4.43. She took two AP classes: AP English Language and AP Spanish Language. She also participated in many extracurricular activities including but not limited to: band, Science Olympiad, and Spanish club.