Period: to
Articles of Confederation
The article established America as a single country, and acted as the first constitution. This article also gave legitimacy to the Continental Congress. -
End of the American Revolution
The Brisish surrendered on October 19, 1781. This stopped the war between the British and the Colonists, giving them freedom from England's control. -
John Adams
This was an important date for Adams because it was when he became the Ambassador to Great Britain. These ambassadors were very important at the times, because there were a lot of events occurring between the countries at these times. -
Thomas Jefferson
I feel this date is important for Jefferson because it was when he became the Ambassador to France. This was very important because our relationship with France was not so good at this time, so a person in this position was very important. -
Ratification of the Constitution
Many States spend around a year were working on signing the Constitution. The Constitution was the framework for the American government, along with cities and people in the country. -
George Washington takes office of president
George Washington became the first president of the United States. At that time, the eventual White House was Mount Vernon in Virginia. -
Alexander Hamilton
I think that this date was important for Hamilton because he was the first Secretary of the Treasury, and he was one to lay down the foundation for every other Secretaries of the Treasury in the future. He was a pioneer just like Washington, and he was one who set up the American government. -
Period: to
Whiskey Rebellion
The rebellion itself was a response to the new tax on whiskey created in 1790 by Alexander Hamilton to get rid of the national debt. -
Battle of Fallen Timbers
This was the final battle of the Northwest Indian War. It ended major conflicts with Native Americans in the northwest. -
British Impressment
This event was where British ships would capture slaves and take them back to Britain to fight in their army without a say in it whatsoever. The U.S. concidered this stealing American property, and there was a big conflict because of this. -
Jay's Treaty
Jay's Treaty was between America and Britain, and was the document that avoided war between the two countries. It was created in 1794 but then later ratified. -
Pickney's Treaty
This was also known as the Treaty of San Lorenzo, or the Treaty of Madrid. It established a relationship between America and Spain. -
George Washington leaves office
When Washington left office, there was a lot of debate on how to chose a new president. After he left office, he was asked to help out as Army Genreal. -
X,Y,Z Affair with Francce
This was an event where France demanded a large sum of money if they were to stop destroying our ships. America took that as an insult, which led to an undeclaired war. This occurred during Adams' presidency. -
Alien Sedition Acts
The acts were four bills passed during the undeclaired naval war with France, and was signed by John Adams. They were put into place to strengthen the Federal Government, when under threat by the French in 1798. -
Virginia Resolutions
These were drafts stating that Virginia and Kentucky thought that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. They were secretly written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. -
Period: to
Barbary Wars
Pirate ships from Morocco and surrounding areas were sailing and capturing other ships and their crews. The first few wars were between America and the North African Berber Muslims. -
Election of 1800
This was an election for president between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson ended up winning the election against Adams. -
Marbury vs. Madison
This was one of the most famous court cases in American history. It occurred because William Marbury sent a petition to the government and they did nothing about it, and he grew very upset and a huge court case unravled. -
Louisiana Purchase
This was a purchase of almost 830,000 square acres of land from the French in the Louisiana area of the United States. We only had to pay around 11 million dollars, along with the negation of around 4 million dollars in debts with the French. -
Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark were two explorers who set off with a nother group of explorers to discover more land in the western area of America. They discovered new areas like the Great Plains, along with encountering new species of animals such as beavers, bison, and elk. There was also a lot of relationships created with the natives of the area. -
War of 1812
This was a conflict between America and the British military. It lasted for about 3 years, and occurred primarily because of trade restrictions from France and Britain, along with a lot of unfair games being played against America when on the open seas.