Quakers found the first antislavery socitety
Slavery was challenged by the Quakers in 1775, because of the disagreements in the churches on what was right and wrong. This provoked even more northern states to abolish slavery completely and or helped with the emancipation of blacks. -
Period: to
The New Nation
The Confederation and the Constitution; Launching the New Ship of State; The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic; The Second War for Independence; the Upsurge of Nationalism. -
Articles of Confederation is adopted by the second continental congress
The Congress wanted a written constitution for the New Nation. It became the new constitution in 1777, and helped convince other countries that America had a decent government. -
Society of Cincinnati is formed
The Society of Cincinnati was formed to preserve the ideals of American Revolutionary war officers. It was formed by the officers of the Continental Army. -
Land Ordinance of 1785
The area of land northwest of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi River, and south of the Great Lakes. The ordinance said that the area should be sold and the money gained from it should be used to help pay off the national debt. -
Northwest Ordinence
This law was to help with how the government should handle the colonies . This problem has been a big one ever since the time of kings and parliment. The solution that they tried to push was having a time period of seperated government and also said that they would give slaves their freedom. -
Virginia is admitted as a state
Washington was elected as President
Washington put more definition into the two-term party system. He had to deal with the first acts of the Revolution, and he also put into effect a Neutrality Proclimation. -
The Bill of Rights is adopted
These are the first ten Ammendments of the Constitution. They safeguard the most important of American Principles, like the right to freedom of speech press and religion, the right to bear arms, the right to be tried by jury, and the right to assemble and petition. -
The Bank of the United States is created
Congress created the National Bank, located in Philidelphia. -
Vermont is Admitted as a state
Kentucky is Admitted as a state
The US trade union of shoemakers is created
This was what we now call a labor union. -
Washington was reelected as President
During this time period Washington had to deal with foreign policy issues between America and the French -
The Fugative Slave Act
The Fugative Slave Act said that the slaves could be free as long as they escaped from their masters onto new land. Everybody had to respect their freedom if the escaped and they could not be taken back into custody, -
Whiskey Rebellion
Flared up in southern Pennsylvania and caused trouble in the new national government. Not very many people died in the rebellion, but it caused the government to demand more respect. -
Jay's Treaty was created
This treaty made Great Britian Americas primary trading partner. It made sure that we would not be blocked from trade in the Atlantic. -
Tennessee is admitted as a state
XYZ Affair
President Adams sent 3 go-between men to try and reach an agreement with France. These three men were later refferred to as X, Y, and Z. The french did not react well to this; they said that America had to publically apologize, they had to grant a loan of 32 million florins, and they had to pay off a bribe of $250,000. They tried to negotiate the terms so they could be assured a settlement. -
John Adams is elected President
John Adams was a federalist from Massachusetts. He was the second President of the United States, and the first vice president. He was one of Americas founding fathers. -
Thomas Jefferson became President
Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President of the United States, and his Vice President was Aaron Burr. He was the principle author of the Decleration of Independence. He was also the first secretary of state. -
Judiciary act of 1801
Louisiana Purchase
President Jefferson bought the territory of louisiana on a whim and ended up doubling the size of the United States, and also ended up being one of the best purchanses of land in history. -
Ohio was admitted as a state
The Embargo Act was passed
This act hurt Americas economy by not allowing trade to go through with any other countries. The act was overall hard to enforce and caused more people to smuggle goods. -
Congress prohibits the importing of Slaves
Congress prohibits the importing of African Slaves becuase they wanted to abolish the slave trade. However, this act was not well enforced and did not become final until the 13th Ammendment was created. -
Non-intercourse act replaces the embargo act
Forbade American trade with Europe in response to Britians control over them. It was used as a tactic to try and convince them to have nuetral policies. -
James Madison became president
James Madison was the fourth President of the United States, and he was also known as the father of the constitution for being so important to the writing of it. He collaberated with two others to produce the Federalist Papers. -
The United States Declares war on Britian
Louisiana is Admitted as a state
The War of 1812 Begins
After conflict between America and Britian, Madison asked congress to declare war. The war started with support from the South and the West, and republicans. The war lasted around 3 years. -
The Hartford Convention
Federalists wanted to have a convention after they lost some of their power in the government, and they removed the three-fifths compromise and also the one term limit for Presidency. -
Indiana is admitted as a state
James Monroe became President
James Monroe was the last of the founding fathers, the fifth President. He was elected because of the little interference from the Federalist party. He was also the last President who didnt get to chose his vice President, otherwise known as the first party system. -
Mississippi is admitted as a state
Treaty with Britan sets the 49 parallel.
Illinois is Admitted as a state
Alabama is admitted as a state
Maine is Admitted as a state
Land Act was passed
This act made all land sell for $1.25 an acre. Also allowed land to be puchased through a credit system rather than just buying the land all at once. -
Missouri is Admitted as a state
The Monroe Doctrine
This doctrine showed other countries that America was an independent country. -
Works Cited
All Images from Wikimedia Commons
Kennedy, David, Lizbeth Cohen and Thomas Bailey, The American Pageant: A History of the Republic. Boston: Houghton Muffin, 2003. 748. PRINT.