the New Government

  • Promoting Commerce and industrial Growth

    Hamilton's program was intended to redistribute wealth in two ways : from farmers to merchants and from the South to the North.those had bought them anyway asan investment
  • President Washington

    in 1789,the new electoralcollege unanimously elected George Washington as president of the united states.yet he took the difficult job reluctantly.Besides the newely elected Congress, there were few other federal officers
  • The Court System

    The Constitution called for one Supreme Court and Several ones
    the U.S judiciary was made up of thirteen federal district courts ,one for each state.supreme court severd as a trial court involving state affairs.Washington appointed john jay as the firest chief justice of the supreme court.
  • Hamiltons Plan

    Hamilton despised the nation's agricultural economy as backward.Rather than pay down those debts Using cash reserves,he meant to fund them by selling government bond,which would pay annual interest to the holders.
  • The Presidents Cabinet

    The first four executive departments were the departments of state,Treasury and war,and the Attorney Genearl.In 1907, the Cabinent was officially recognized by law