Civial Conservation Corps
This was one of the first new deal programs created, . The CCC was a public works project intended to promote environmental conservation and they also built the self -esteem of good citizens through vigorous, disciplined outdoor labor. It provided work immediately for 250,000 men. By September 1935 over 500,000 young men had lived in CCC camps, most staying from six months to a year. Although this program failed to give a fair share of worked to Blacks by 1936 the works of Blacks reached to 10% -
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
The AAA helped farmers and regulated crop production. The AAA was to balance supply and demand for farm commodities so that prices would support a decent purchasing power for farmers. The AAA was in control of seven basic crops which were , wheat, cotton, rice, peanuts, tobacco and milk (by offering payments to farmers in return for taking some of their land out of farming, not planting a crop). -
Federal Emergency Relief Administation
This helped with poverty and gave out millions and millions of dollars of direct aid to unemployed people.Authorizes immediate grants to states for relief projects. Unemployment has reached 14 million-over one quarter of the nation's work force. -
Tennesse Valley Authority
Develpoed resources navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development to the Tennessee Valley. This region was greatly effected by the depression and this authority wanted to help them to the best of there abilities. The TVA also built many Dams in order to contain floods(part of flood control). -
Civil Works Administration
This provided work for over four million workers and it paid around 15 dollars a week. Was started as a subdivision of FERA with the goal of providing a short-term solution to get people back to work. The projects under CWA were more short term and aimed at unskilled laborers. A large amount of men and women were put to work in the winter of 1933 and 1934 as a result of this initiative. For example, roads were improved, bridges were constructed, airports were upgraded, and pipelines were repair -
National Industrial Recovery Act
June’s National Industrial Recovery Act guaranteed that workers would have the right to unionize and bargain collectively for higher wages and better working conditions; it also suspended some antitrust laws and established a federally funded Public Works Administration. -
Works Progress Administration
WPA provided jobs for unemployed people all around the united states.WPA projects weren’t allowed to compete with private industry, so they focused on building things like post offices, bridges, schools, highways and parks. The WPA also gave work to artists, writers, theater directors and musicians. This helped with unemployment rate which benefited the economy greatly. -
Rural Electrification Administration
Provideed affordable electricity to all people and also encouraged farmers to join cooperative to bring electricity to farms. Despite best efforts just about 40 percent of all American farms by 1940 were electrified. -
National Labor Relation Act
In July 1935, the National Labor Relations Act, also known as the Wagner Act, created the National Labor Relations Board to supervise union elections and prevent businesses from treating their workers unfairly. It assured that workers would have a choice on whether to belong to a union or not, and promoted collective bargaining as the major way to insure peaceful industry-labor relations. The act also created a new National Labor Relations Board. -
Social Security Act
This act provided many different things such as pensions, unemployment insurance, and also aid to blind, deaf, disabled and dependent children.The Act provided benefits to retirees and the unemployed, and a lump-sum benefit at death.