The New Deal Laws

  • Emergency Banking Relief Act (EBRA)

    Emergency Banking Relief Act (EBRA)
    Banks were inspected by Treasury Department and those stable could reopen. It provided for the reopening of banks as soon as examiners found them to be financially stable. This helped to ensure that not a lot people had to go bankrupt in case for some reason the banks failed. It no longer exsists today.
  • Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)

    Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)
    This act loaned money at low interest to homeowners who could not meet mortgage payments. It is still in affect today becuase it is very important in helping the less fortunate purchase a place to live. It helped people to not go in as great of debt. It was created by the Homeowners Refinancing Act.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

    Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
    This act provided jobs for single males on conservation projects. Its main goal was to thousands of unemployed young men to work on useful public projects. This tried to ensure that the men were employed so they were able to bring a steady income to their family. They were the rock of wealth for the family at this time. It was one of the New Deal programs created by Franklin Roosevelt. The civilian conservation corps only lasted for about ten years and was one of the most successful programs.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

    Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
    Tennessee River
    This act developed the resources of the Tennessee Valley. Congress established this in hoping to stop major flood problems. It was designed to provide faster time efficient transportation, flood control, electricitiy generation, economic development, and fertilizer manufacturing. Today it is the larger power company in the United States.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    This act potected farmers from price drops by providing crop susidies to reduce production, and educational programs to teach methods of preventing soil erosion. President Roosevelt called in Congress to create this. It was one of the first new laws to be enacted. This law would try and prevent crop surplus and effectively try to raise the values of crops. It is a valued act today but starting to fade since farmers are usually getting smarter with the amount of crops they plant.
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

    Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    This group supervised the stock market and eliminated dishonest practices. It is part of an agency of the United States. Congress originally passed this to enforce the newly passed security laws to protect investors. It is still in affect today while being supervised to ensure an effective capital regulatory market system.
  • Social Security Administration

    Social Security Administration
    This act provided a pension for retired workers and their spouses and aided people with disabilities. This is still greatly in affect today as many retired people rely on it as a source of income, just like they did in the 1930's. It helped ensure a steady type of income to families with disable individuals and those who could no longer work. This way people would not go broke as fast. It was created as part of the New Deal.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    This act employed 8.5 million workers in construction and other jobs, but more importantly provided work in arts, theater, and literary projects. President Frankling created this by signing an executive order. A lot of this work has disappeared in state archievs, but many projects are still benefiting Americans today. Parts of this act are still in use today.
  • United States Housing Authority (USHA)

    United States Housing Authority (USHA)
    This act provided federal loans for low-cost public housing to the community. It was created by the Housing Act as part of the New Deal under the federal agency. It is still partly in effect today.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    This act established a minimum hourly wage and a maximum number of hours in the workweek for the entire country, Set rules for the employment of workers under 16 and banned hazardous factory work for those under 18. It is still in affect today as people currently have a limited starting pay and number of hours per week they can work. President Roosevelt signed this new act into law.