The Movie Begins
The movie begins with the former Secratary of Deffence commiting suicide because, later in the story it is revealed, he had his medical files hacked to say he had HIV. -
Meeting the Protagonist
In the begging of the movie the protagonist, Angela Bennet, is working on her computer, removing viruses for her friend Dale -
She recieves a disk
Angela recieves a disk from Dale containing the game Mozarts Ghost. The game has a backdoor of a PI symbol. -
Angela decides that she needs to go on a vacation. She decides to go to Cozumel Mexico where she meets Jack, the antagonist. -
While in Mexico she gets her purse robbed by a man who is hired for Jack. He wantes the floppy disk for Mozarts ghost, and gets it, but after the robbery is complete he kills the man working for him -
After the murder, Jack takes Angela out on a boat ride durring the night, his plans are to kill her, however she finds his gun and trys to get away. But her escape raft hits a group of rocks and she goes unconcious -
After being hospitalized for three days Angela wakes up in a hospital. She then leaves only to find out that all of her life has been deleted. -
She trys to go back home however her passport was stolen. She tries to get a temporary visa, however she realises that she is now listed as a "Ruth Marx" she signs for Ruth because she cant have her real name -
For Sale
When she gets home she realises that her house was cleaned out and is not for sale. The sellers say that she moved out 3 days ago but that is not true -
After Them!
Now she is going after John and she is on her way to the gatekeeper building because she figured out that that is where the "pi" symbol came from -
Into the building
She is not trying to get into the gatekeeper building to find out why she is the one being targeted. She finds out that the real Ruth Marx works there. She finds out who is doing this to here and puts it onto a floppy disk. Then she gets caught and needs to make her escape to the Computer convension -
After going into the computer convension she gets into a gate keeper computer and sends a email to the FBI explaning everything. Then she puts a virus into the keeper which gets rid of the entire "pi" program -
Jack thinks that Ruth is Angela and accidently kills her. Then he goes after the real angela and she hits him with a fire distinguisher twice and makes him fall to his death -
End of movie
At the end she finally has her life back and is now with her mom happily