First Event:
Angela Bennett, a hacker, is working from home and is fighting viruses off of programs. -
Second Event:
Angela gets a disc from Dale, a coworker, and asks her to figure out what's wrong with it. She opens the program and finds a pi symbol in the lower-right-hand corner and clicks on it. The program ceases out and she closes the program. -
Third Event
While Angela is preparing for her vacation to Mexico, she and Dale have a conversation, and then he leaves to go on a plane. Angela goes and visits her mother, who has Alzeimers, and then leaves to go back home. -
Fourth Event
While Dale is on the plane, his GPS is hacked, by an unknown hacker (currently), and then Dale crashes and dies in the plane crash. Angela gets the news of Dale's death the next morning, the day she leaves for Mexico, from another coworker. She then leaves for Mexico. -
Fifth Event
Angela goes to the airport and finds chaos, as the computers are malfunctioning, from the unknown (still currently) hackers, as the flights keep flashing that the flights are either cancelled or delayed. She goes to get a soda and then the computers are fixed and goes onto the plane. -
Sixth Event
Angela is now in Mexico, reading a book, then decides to take out her computer, and the disc with the weird pi virus, and decides to take a look. She then asks for an alcoholic drink another guy asks for and they start chatting and having fun. -
Seventh Event
After Angela and the guy, his name is Jack (not his real name) and he asks her to dinner and for a walk. They are on the walk and some man jumps out and steals Angela's purse; it has her passport, credit card, and the disc. Jack goes after the man and takes the purse, and it is revealed that he is working against her and wants (and obtains) the disc. -
Eigth Event
Jack comes back and lies and says that he doesn't have her purse, as he is beat up, they go on his boat and she helps him with tending to the head injury. They 'hang out' and after she reveals info on her mom, her shrink, and others. She then stops and he leaves for drinks, while Angela puts on his jacket and finds a gun in the pocket. -
Ninth Event
Jack comes back and finds Angela holding his gun. They end up fighting and she knocks him out, and goes to find the boat keys. While looking for the keys, she finds her belongings. She then gets on a lifeboat and Jack gets up. They fight more and she leaves him on the lifeboat. -
Tenth Event
After leaving on the lifeboat, she crashes into something, and wakes up in a Mexican hospital. The doctor and nurse tell her that she's been out for 3 days, and then they tell her to rest. She leaves anyway. She goes to an airport and she finds out her identity has been completly changed, She is now considered some woman named Ruth Marx. She realises that she needs a temperary visa and then she signs for it anyway. -
Eleventh Event
She goes home and finds her home sold. She then calls her ex, her old shrink, Dr. Alan to help her and they go to a hotel. After a few days in the hotel, she goes on a computer and asks to meet someone on there at the Carnival. -
12th Event
She goes to the Carnival and finds Jack and they chat about how he needs the disc. She runs off and ends up in jail. She figures out that there is a flaw in the system and plans on going to a convention to send it to the FBI. She is bailed out by an ally of Jack (now Devlin), and she makes hime crash the car,. Devlin's ally ends up dying and she runs away. -
14th Event
She sneaks out of the building wearing a fireman's outfit,a nd goes to the convention. She sends the program to the FBI to bust the company for the glitch. She then fights Devlin and her imposter. They both die and Angela gets back to her old life. -
13th Event
She goes to the place where she works for and finds the Angela imposter. She sets off the fire alarm, and finds out what really happened to Bergstum. She then downloads the virus to take to the convention.