Rise of the nazi party

By Dericka
  • Germany

    In 1929, Germany entered a period of severe economic depression and widespread unemployment. Meaning Alto of people lost there jobs because of the lack of depression
  • Hitler speech

    Hitler have gave speech that which was stated about unemployment, rampant inflation, hunger and economic stagnation in postwar Germany would continue until there was a total revolution in German life.
  • Broke the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler rebuilt a new germany army & Re-Militarized Rhineland , Hilter had stop paying reparations & Made alliance with Austria
  • German Invasion of Poland

    Hitler had intended to wage war what would become the “blitzkrieg” strategy. When hitler had the target of the country he immediately started setting up his security.
  • Dunkirk evacuation

    140,000 French Polish and Belgian troops was also saved & restored spitfire during the days of the period of the evacuation .
  • The battle of britain

    The battle of britain
    Nazi Germany had launched a massive blitzkrieg which was against the Western Europe , There were several phases of battle of britian & was the defensive victory for britian.
  • Japanese Invasion of China ( Rape of Nanking)

    In the Nanking Massacre or Known as the Rape of Nanking, between 20,000 or 80,000 women were Sexually assaulted . Also the capital of Nationalist China, was left in ruins, and took decades for the city and citizens to recover from the savage attacks
  • 1934 Destroyed League of nations

    In 1934, he destroyed the League of Nations Disarmament Conference by demanding equality of arms with France and Britain – this broke the Treaty because it had set up the League with the stated aim of achieving disarmament
  • D-Day Invasions

    The cost in lives on D-Day was high. Over more than 100,000 Soldiers begin the slow hard slog across Europe, to defeat Adolf Hitler’s crack troops.
  • Biltzkrieg

    Biltkrieg was a military that was crated among ever forces to the use of mobile and locally concentrated firepower.
  • Jews Died

    thousands of Jews died from malnutrition, disease and overwork or were executed. In addition to Jews, the camp’s prisoners included members of other groups Hitler considered unfit for the new Germany,
  • battle of stalingrad

    Was one of the bloodies battles in history it stopped the german from the tide of the allies