French control
French troops landed in vietnam -
Period: to
Rice cultivation
It was the aim of the frenah to make some profit from the Vietnamese as well as it is the duty of western nations to bring benefits of civilisation to advance the backward social groups.therefore theyou had decided to improve the rice cultivation.
They started building canal mainly with labour force and allow the export in International market.
274000 hectares to 1.1 million and 2.2 million hectares in 1930 -
Control by french
Firm control over the northern region -
French indo china
After the end of the franco chinese war .
Protectorate treaty : According to this treaty French will have colonial rule in Vietnam during the next seven decades, was negotiated by Jules Patenôtre, France's minister to China.
Though French was defeated most of their aims were satisfied.
The conflict was about the chinese control on Vietnam. -
Japanese had done land reforms to reduce poverty and increasonable land productivity
Tonkin schooligans was started to provide western education
Tonkin free school started to provide western style education
It included the classes of hygiene, science , and frenah
To be modern it was not enough to learn science and western ideas , it is also needed to look modern ( having a short hair) -
Transport networks
Construction of infrastructurall projects so that it will help to transport goods, move military people and to control thequipment entire area.
Construction of trance indo China railway network : northErnest the southern parts of Vietnam and China -
Education system
French were believed that they are civilised and it was theiron duty to introduce their modern ideas .in order to civilised the people they should be educated but they were feared that it might create the problems- peoplease might start questioning the system and the dominance of the French, like that French people working in the Vietnam feared that they loose their job as Vietnamese would be morecpreferablessed to them -
Another problem was that elites in veitnam were strongly influence by Chinese so they thought to replaces and dismantle traditional education systematically.
It was suggested by some people that all people should be educated in the French but some of people asked that only higher classes would be taught in French.
I was the intentional policy by the French to failed the students so that they coludon't not get better jobs
In a population of 17 million, less than 400 students could pass -
3rd largest producer of world
Indo China got independence