The Nation Breaking Apart

By Armen35
  • The Wilmot Proviso

    The Wilmot Proviso
    This bill aimed to outlaw slavery in territories taken from Mexico. The bill passed in the House of Representatives but, was defeated in the Senate thus, causing a division in Congress. Although, not a success it led to the formation of the Free Soil Party.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    This compromise was a series of laws created by congress to settle the big disagreements between slave and free states. Some people celebrated the compromise thinkingit would save the Union but, the compromise did not bring peace.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    In 1854 Stephen A. Douglas wrote a bill that would organize the Nebraska territory into two states, Nebraske and Kansas. He suggested thet popular soverieghty should decide whether or not to allow slavery in these areas. The bill passed and wasknown as the Kansas-Nebraska Act. It got rid of the Missouri Compromise and opened up Nebraska and Kansas to slavery.
  • "Bleeding Kansas"

    "Bleeding Kansas"
    Proslavery and antislavery settlers rushed into Kansas to vote for territorial legislature. Since 5000 Missourians came and vote as well antilsavery settlers boycotted and in then proslavery settlers attacked the antislavery governtment and this was known as the Sack of Lawrence. Then John Brown, an extreme abolitionist and 7 other men killed 5 of his proslavery neighbors. This was called the Pottawatomie Massacre. For the next 3 years this land was called "Bleeding Kansas" due to the civil war.
  • Caning of Sumner

    Caning of Sumner
    In May while violence was going on in Kansas, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts recited his speech attacking the proslavery mob. He also made fun of Senator A.P. Butler from South Carolina. Preston Brooks, Butler's relative attacked Sumner with his cane, hitting him over 30 times. Many Southerners cheered at this defense while Northerners were shocked
  • Dred Scott vs. Sandford

    Dred Scott vs. Sandford
    Dred Scott was a slave who lived in Missouri. His owner took him to live in areas were slavery wasn't allowed. When they returned and his owner died he sued for freedom. He argued that he was free becase he lived in areas where slavery was illegal. This case was called Dred Scott vs. Sandford. Chief Justice Robert Taney stated he wasn't a U.S. citizen so he couldn't sue the U.S. Courts and he was bound to the Missouri slave code therefore he was still a slave. Southerners cheered this decision.
  • Attack on Harpers Ferry

    Attack on Harpers Ferry
    John Brown who killed 5 proslavery settlers 3 years before, added to the sectional tension. He had a plan to inspire slaves to fight for their freedom. He planned to capture weapons in the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry. On October 16 1859 Brown and 18 followers captured tghe aresnal, killing 4 people in the raid. Brown sent out word the he caotured the base but no slaves came. Instead the Marines catured him and hung him after he was tried.
  • The Election of 1860

    The Election of 1860
    The election of 1860 turned into 2 races for presidency. In the North Lincoln and Douglas were the canidates and in the South Breckenridge and Bell were the canidates. Lincoln and Breckenridge were considered to have strong views on slavery while the other two did not. In the end Lincoln won in the North and Breckenridge won in the south. Lincoln won the election and became our president.