The Nation Breaking Apart

  • WIlmot Proviso

    WIlmot Proviso
    This billed aimed to outlaw slavery in territories taken from Mexico. The bill passed in the House of Representatives but was defeated in the senate thus causing a division in congress. Although, not a success it led to the formation of the free soil party.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    This is a compromise between the argument of the north and the south. Henry Clay was major help for it. Perhaps the greatest debate that has happened by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 centered on how many representatives each state should have in the new government's lawmaking branch, the U.S. Congress.
  • Kansa Nebraska Act

    Kansa Nebraska Act
    In January 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas introduced a bill that divided the land west of Missouri into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska.He argued for popular sovereignty, which would allow the settlers of the new territories to decide if slavery would be legal there.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas refers to the time between 1854-1858 when the Kansas territory was the site of much violence over whether the territory would be a free state or slavestate.The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 set the scene by allowing the territory of Kansas to decide for itself whether it would be free or slave.
  • Caning of Sumner

    Caning of Sumner
    Senator Charles Sumner delivered a speech insalting A.P. Butlar. Preston Brooks, relative to Butlar, attacked Sumner in his office. He was sitting in front of his desk and then Brooks can and hit him 30 times over the head.
  • Dredscot vs. Sandford

    Dredscot vs. Sandford
    Dred Scott was a slave that became free by entering a free slave territory with his owner and came back with his owner to slave territory. Once his owner died he was to be sold but instead he tried sueing for being in a free slave territory and returning. He lost the cass and infact made things werse for slaves
  • Attack On Harpors Farry

    Attack On Harpors Farry
    On October 16 1859, John Brown and 18 followers captured Harpors Ferry Arsenal. They killed four people. He called for local slaved but they had not joined him so he failed. He and his 5 kids were killed. some escaped.
  • Election

    Lincoln won the election in 1860 and became the 16 president of the united states. The south thretend to leave the union because they thought he would abolish slavery.