Wilmot Proviso
This bill aimed to outlaw slavery in territories taken from Mexico.The bill passed in the House of Representatives but was defeated in the Senate thus causing a division in Congress.Alogh, not a success it led to the formation of the Free Soil Party. -
California could not gain statehoode without the approval of the Congress.The senator, Henry Clay helped create a compromise to settle the problem.The please the North, California became a free state.To please the South, Congress laws regarding slavery would not be passed.But there was a lot to give up in this plan -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Senator Steohen Douglass of Illinois proposed Kansas be divided into Nebraska and Kansas because of issusses of slavery, which would soon turn into a battle ground over slavery. -
Bleeding Kansas
THe vote against slavery was sabotaged when missionaries came and voted for illegally for the proslavers.THe proslavers attacked the town of Lawerence, Kansas.It was known as The Sack of Lawerence.John and his men went out killing afterwards broke out a war for three years. -
Canning of Summer
Senator Charles gave a speech attacking the proslavery forces in Kansas. He has insukted AP butler, a relative Presten Brooks had heard about the speech. Presten went to Charles office and began to hit him on the head with a came until the cane snapped in hlaf, CHarles was not able to defend himself because his legs were stuck. -
Dred ScottV Stanford
Dred Scott was a slave whos owner had taken him to the free lands and freed him, after his owners death Scott returned to Missouri there he was kept as a slave once again, he wanted to sue for his freedom but could'nt because he did not have the right. But in the end the 5th amendment helped free him.The South cheered the courts decision.The Nourth was outraged. -
Attack on Harpers Ferry
John Brown went on a raid with fifteen people to fight for their freedom. He captured weapons and in the he was captured and hing to death. Southerens talled bells and fired guns in his sault. Nourtherens were horrified by their reaction to Johns death. -
The electioon was between Lincon and Douglass. They both didn't want any laws regarding slavery to be passed. Lincon had the all of the North and he did win the elecrion. The South didn't trust him, they considered him a threat to the Southeren Way of LIfe