Wilmot Proviso
This bill aimed to outlaw slanery in territories taken from Mexico.the bill passed in the House of Representative but was defeated in the senate thus causing a division in Congress.Although, not a success it led to the formation of the free soil party 2) To please the south, Congress wouldn't pass laws regarding slavery for the rest of the territories won form Mexico, and congress would pass a strange law to help slaveholder capture runnawy slaves. -
Compromise of 1850
tacking the ledwas senator Henery Clay of Kentucky.Clay had hepled create the missouri Compromise of 1820. Now clay crafted a plan to settle the califonia problem 1) To pleasethe north, Califonia would be admitted as a free state, and the slave trad would be abolished in Washington D.C. -
Kansas-Nebraska act
Senator Stephen A. Doughlas of illinos drafted a bill to organize territoral Government for the Nabraska territory. Popular sovereighty is a system were that residents vote to decied an issue. If this bill passed,it would result in getting rid of the missouri compromise by allowing people to vote for slavery in territories where the missouri compromise had banned it. -
"Bleeding Kansas"
Proslvery and antislavery settelers rushed into the kansas territory, just west of Missouri to vote for territoral legislature. In march 1855, there were more proslavery settlers than antislavery settlers in the territory. Then Brown and several of his proslavery went to the cabins and murderd five people that was known as Pottawatom masscre. -
Canning Summer
While violence was spreding in Kansas in the spring of 1856, blood was also being spred in the nations capital.In late May senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts deliverd a speech attaching the proslaver forces in Kansas. His speech was packed with insults. Sumner even made fun of A.P. Butlor a senator from South Carolina -
Dred Sott V. Standford
Dred Scott V. Standford, reserched the suprem court in 1856.In 1857 the court ruled aginst Scott. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney deliverd his opinion in the case. HE said that Dred Scott was not a U.S. cittizen, and that he couldn't sue in the U.S. courts . Taney also ruled that Scott was bound by Missouri's slave code because he lived in Missouri. -
Attack of Harper Ferry
Jhon Brown and 28 follwers 13 whites and 5 blackes captured the Haper Ferry arsenal. They killed 4 people int he raid. Brown then sent out the word to rally and arm local slaves. -
Election of 1860
The election of 1860 turned into two diffrent races for the presidency on in the North and one in the South. Lincon and Douglas were the only candidates with much support in the North. brickridge and Bell completed for the Southern votes. Lincon and Brickridge were the conciderd to have the most extrem views on slavery.Douglas and Bell were conciderd moderaters because neither wanted the federal government to pass new laws in slavery