The Mystery of Matter Timeline

  • JJ Thomson

    JJ Thomson
    Electricity must be made up of negatively charged particles. What soon were called electrons. Electron must be a tiny piece of every atom.
  • Period: to

    The Mystery of Matter

  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    Radioactive atoms give off different kinds of rays and particles as they decay. Used Alpha particles ( positively charged) to calculate the distance of closest approach.
  • Charles D. Darwin

    Charles D. Darwin
    Concluded atoms inside the crystal were neatly aware and rose that reflected the x-rays to create the patterns of spots.
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    He discovered the final piece of the atom- the neutron.
  • Enrico fermi

    Enrico fermi
    Begin firring neutron at uranium atoms creating a shower of fragments he will then analyze. He found that neutrons sometimes ship off a piece of the uranium nucleus lowering atomic number making it another element.
  • Fermi

    He won the nobel price for an amazing achievement.
  • Germans

    Otto Hahn, Otto Frisch, Fritz Strassman, Lise Meitner; they found well known elements that were about half as heavy, much lower on the periodic table.
  • Ed Nick Nilen

    He studied the new phenomenon; repeated the Germans experiments at barbering uranium atoms with neutrons from the cyclotron.
  • McMillein

    He discovered the element number 93- Neptunium.
  • Arthur Compton & Harvard president James Bryan conent

    Arthur Compton & Harvard president James Bryan conent
    They discussed c-board founding; creating a bomb.
  • Feremy and his team

    Build a nuclear reactor out of wood, graphite, and uranium; Chicago pile 1; uranium 238 into plutonium 239.
  • Plutonium

    plutonium will be made by remote control.
  • Alamagordo

    First test of atomic bomb using plutonium.