The Visigoths
The Visigoths were in a civil war. When King Witiza died, a war broke out between his possible successors. One of them, Agila, asked the Muslims for help. The Muslims sent troops to the peninsula and helped him beat his opponent, Don Rodrigo. -
Period: 711 to 756
Dependant emirate
Creation of the dependant emirate of the Umayyad Caliphate -
Apr 30, 711
The Muslim Arrival
The Muslims came to the Iberian Peninsula and defeated the Visigoths at the battle of Guadalete. A new army continued advancing north. Muza, governor of North Africa, led this advance. -
Jul 19, 711
The Battle of Guadalete
This was the war between the Muslims and the Visigoths around 711 -
Battle of Covadonga
The Cantabrian area of resistance. A number of Visigoths, mainly from the nobility, sought refuge in the mountains after fleeing the Muslims. Finding protection, they mixed with the local populations. Don Pelayo was a Visigothic noble who became the first king of the Kingdom of Asturias in 718. He led the Christian resistance during the Battle of Covadonga in 722. -
Battle of Poitiers
Muslim troops even tried to continue their advance northward beyond the Iberian Peninsula but were stopped by the Franks in the Battle of Potiers (732). -
Abd al-Rahman I
In 756, Abd al-Rahman I, escaping death at the hands of the Abbasids, fled to the Iberian Peninsula. He seized power, proclaimed himself Emir and refused to recognise the political authority of the Caliph. He continued to recognise their religious superiority. Al-Andalus was an independent emirate of the Islamic Empire. -
Period: 756 to 929
Independant Emirate
Abd al-Rahman I establishes and independent emirate of the Islamic Empire -
Battle of Roncesvalles
This region was the southern border of the Kingdom of the Franks. In 778, the Basques attacked Frankish troops in the region during the Battle of Roncesvalles. Their victory led to the creation of the Kingdom of Pamplona. Only eastern parts of the Pyrenees remained under Frankish rule. These represented the Hispanic March and included the Catalan counties. -
Incorporation of counties
Wilfredo El Velloso (count of Barcelona) incorporates counties. -
Period: 929 to 1031
Caliphate of Córdoba
Abd-al Rahman III proclaims the Caliphate of Córdoba and declares himself Caliph -
County of Castilla (Fernán Gonzalez)
"Fernando inherited the County of Castilla and, through his marriage to Sancha of León, became King of León in 1038. Upon his death, his realms were divided: Alfonso VI inherited León, while Sancho II proclaimed himself the first King of Castilla. After Sancho II’s death, Alfonso VI united both crowns, though the kingdoms remained independent. -
Independence of Catalan counties
Borella II gets the independence of the Catalan counties -
Period: 1031 to 1085
After its disintegration, the caliphate divided and became the Taifa kingdoms, which former governors of the territories ruled. The Taifa Kingdoms were weak, so they had to pay parias to the Christian kingdoms to stop them from invading. Despite this agreement, Alfonso VI captured Toledo from the Muslims in 1085 -
Kingdom of Castilla (Sancho)
Taking advantage of instability in the Kingdom of León from around 951, Count Fernán González was able to govern the territory autonomously. He later secured hereditary succession, solidifying its semi-independent status. The County of Castilla later became the Kingdom of Castilla -
Kingdom of Aragón (Ramiro)
Ramiro received the Aragonese counties and founded the Kingdom of Aragón -
Battle of Sagrajas
The Almoravids intervened and defeated the Christian kingdoms at the Battle of Sagrajas in 1086. -
Period: 1086 to 1146
North African
- 1086 Almoravids arrive
- 1146 Almohad invasion of Al-Andalus
Fernando I gets the territory of Zaragoza -
Kingdom of Portugal
Portugal had gained independence in 1128. -
Conquest taifas of Lleida and Zaragoza (Reconquist)
Petrovila of Aragón married Ramón Berenguer (count of Barcelona) and they conquered these taifas -
Kingdom of Navarra
"García Sanchez received the Kingdom of Pamplona, which became the Kingdom of Navarra in 1162, during the reign of Sancho VI." -
Crown of Aragón
The Crown of Aragón consisted of the principality of Cataluña and the kingdoms of Aragón, Valencia and Mallorca. The monarch of Aragón ruled over them, but each retained a level of autonomy and its own laws. These laws were called fueros in Aragón, Valencia and Mallorca. -
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
The Aragonese expansion continued after the victory against the Almohads at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) -
Crown of Castilla
During this period, the kingdoms of Castilla and León united and divided several times. In 1230, Ferdinand III definitively unified them into the Crown of Castilla -
Kingdom of Valencia
Jaime I el Conquistador (the Conqueror) occupied Valencia and the Balearic Islands -
Period: 1238 to 1492
Nasri Kingdom of Granada
(1238). Creation of the kingdom (1492). Catholic monarchs conquer the kingdom, ending Muslim rule on the Iberian Peninsula -
Treaty of Almirza (Castilla-Murcia)
Aragón and Castilla signed the Treaty of Almizra in 1244, ending the Aragonese expansion on the Iberian Peninsula