The most significant events are about Porfirio Diaz

  • Proclaimed the Tuxtepec plan against President Sebastián Lerdo Tejada

    Proclaimed the Tuxtepec plan against President Sebastián Lerdo Tejada
    Statement seeking to remove the government of Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada,
  • Ascended to power, beginning of the Porfiriato.

    Ascended to power, beginning of the Porfiriato.
    Period in the history of Mexico in which Porfirio Díaz (1830-1915) was president of the country.
  • The United States recognized the Diaz government.

    The United States recognized the Diaz government.
    Mexico opened its doors to foreign investment, mainly from the United States.
  • The credit institutions law is approved

    The credit institutions law is approved
    The banking and credit service.
  • Compulsory, free and secular education was established

    Compulsory, free and secular education was established
    Equalize the possibilities of access to education and knowledge without distinction of creed or religion.
  • New institutions

    New institutions
    The Secretary of State for Communications and Public Works was created
  • Naval Military School

    Naval Military School
    Inaugurated the Naval Military School for the preparation of naval officers
  • Monetary reform

    Monetary reform
    The gold standard is adopted due to the instability of the price of silver
  • Re-election

    Diaz won the presidential election while Madero is in prison
  • End of the Porfiriato

    End of the Porfiriato
    Díaz left power after 30 years and went into exile in France.