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The most important inventions (English Work)

  • 3350 BCE

    The wheel

    The wheel
    The wheel helped us along all the history.
    In february of 2003, in Slovenia it was discovered a wheel built around 3350 before Christ and 3100 before Christ. Which was made of ash tree's wood and was discovered with its axis of 72 cm of diametre, this one was made of oak, because it was more resistent.
    Romans used them to make with them carriages to carry with them the food, weapons...
  • 850

    The Gunpowder

    The Gunpowder
    The Gunpowder was a blasting mixture mainly used as a impulse for projectiles in firearms, or for acoustic purposes in pyrotechnic games. It was composed of certain proportions of carbon, sulfur and potassium nitrate, but with the arrival of modern nitrocellulose propellants, the composition has changed.
    It was invented by the Chinese Imperium in the 9th century.
  • 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    The printing press was a mechanical method designed to reproduce texts and images on paper, fabric or other materials. In its classic form, it consisted of applying an oily ink on metal pieces to transfer it to paper by pressure. As it began as an artisan method, its implantation in the middle of the 15th century brought with it a cultural revolution.
    It was invented in the Western Europe, in the year 1440 by the German Johannes Gutenberg, as they called him "Father of Printing".
  • The Steam Locomotive (The Train of Vapour)

    The Steam Locomotive (The Train of Vapour)
    The Steam Train was a type of railway train that produced its impulse through a engine of water vapour. In 1804, the first steam locomotive was built (20 years before the one of George Stephenson). This machine was useless because it travelled through railways that were inapropiated for its weight. In 1825, George Stephenson built his first locomotive, the Locomotion N° 1 and the trains now were available for public transport.
  • The Anesthesia

    The Anesthesia
    Anesthesia (which means "insensibility") was a controlled medical act in which it was used a substance that allowed the doctors to do an operation without the pain of the patient, it could be in all the body or in a part. There were a lot of types of anesthesias along the history, but they had many secondary effects. The first time that it was used without any pain and without strong secondary effects was the 16th of october of 1846 by William Morton, who did an succesful operation of a tumor.
  • The Incandescent Bulb

    The Incandescent Bulb
    An incandescent bulb was a device that produced light by heating effects. Actually, it is considered useless because a 85% of its energy is heat and only a 15% light. Joseph Wilson Swan invented the Incandescent Bulb in 1879, a year before Thomas Alva Edison. But in 1880, Thomas Alva Edison invented a light bulb that had carbon filament, which was more useful out of a laboratory, and it was more commercially viable.
  • The Automobile (Old Cars)

    The Automobile (Old Cars)
    The automobile was a self-impulsed vehicle for the transport of people or objects without the need for rails. Actually there are different types of automobiles, such as trucks, buses, vans, motorcycles or quads. The first automobile was built by Karl Benz
    in 1885, and it was called Benz Patent-Motorwagen. It was patented in 1886 and it started to produced in 1888.
  • The plane

    The plane
    The plane was invented by the Wright Brothers, who designed the first functional plane(it was called Flyer and it was a biplane)which its first flight was the 17th of December of 1903, in North Carolina. This invention of the twentieth century wasn't the first try of the human to fly, as the prehistoric human tried to build some types of parachute, but these were useless; Leonardo Da Vinci did designs of the plane, but there's no evidences of the flight.
    So the Flyer was the first useful plane.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    The telegraph was a device that used electrical signals for the transmission of encoded text messages, such as Morse code, through wire line or radio communications. The electric telegraph, or more quickly, 'telegraph', replaced the systems of transmission of optical signals of semaphores, like that of Claude Chappe for the French army and Friedrich Clemens
    Gerke for the Prussian army, and became
    the first form of electrical communication.
    The telegraph was invented in 1929.
  • The Computer and Internet

    The Computer and Internet
    The Computer was a digital machine that read and did operations to later convert them into data that went to the exit unit (for sharing information).
    They were designed to save data and connect to Internet.
    Internet was a group of nets that allowed the people to communicate and share data.
    The Computers and Internet have evolved and now they are very complex and sophicticated objects.
    The Computer was invented only for saving texts in the 1936 until the arrival of Internet in the 1969.