

  • 1420

    Florence Cathedral´s dome by Brunelleschi

    Florence Cathedral´s dome by Brunelleschi
    Brunelleschi built a dome 45 meters in diameter, which added to the base of the Florence Cathedral would reach 114 meters high.Represents the wealth and power of the Tuscan during the 13th and 14th centuries.It took 142 years to build.Its purpose was to replace the cathedral of Santa Reparata and serve as monument to the wealth and prestige of Florence.
  • 1498

    Pietá, by Michelangelo Buonarroti

    Pietá, by Michelangelo Buonarroti
    Represents the Virgin Mary, mother holding the dead body of Jesus Christ.Realized betwwen 1498-1499.It is located in Vatican City.Made with mármol.
  • 1509

    The school of Athens, by Raphael Sanzio

    The school of Athens, by Raphael Sanzio
    Showcases the most philosophers, scientist, and mathematicians of the classical era.The message is the value of scientific thinking and natural truth.It was made in sketch between 1509 and 1510 and painted between 1510 and 1512.The school of Athens exemplifies Renaissance trends and innovations,such as the realistic depiction of human figures,as well as the use of foreshortening and linear perspective,artistic techiques that create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface.