
The Ming Dynasty

  • 1365

    Establishment of the Ming Dynasty

    Establishment of the Ming Dynasty
    The Ming Dynasty was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang, who became Emperor Hongwu, after the defeat of the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty. This marked the beginning of nearly three centuries of Ming rule over China.
  • 1378

    Execution of Chancellor Hu Weiyong

    Execution of Chancellor Hu Weiyong
    Chancellor Hu Weiyong was executed for treason, marking a significant moment in Emperor Hongwu’s reign. This event led to the abolition of the position of chancellor and centralized power more firmly in the hands of the emperor.
  • 1402

    Yongle Emperor's Usurpation

    Yongle Emperor's Usurpation
    Zhu Di, the Prince of Yan, seized the throne from his nephew, the Jianwen Emperor, after a three-year civil war. He became the Yongle Emperor and is noted for his ambitious projects and military campaigns.
  • 1403

    Zheng He’s Voyages

    Zheng He’s Voyages
    Under the orders of the Yongle Emperor, Admiral Zheng He led seven maritime expeditions, reaching as far as East Africa. These voyages expanded Chinese influence and demonstrated the Ming Dynasty's naval capabilities.
  • 1421

    Relocation of the Capital to Beijing

    Relocation of the Capital to Beijing
    The Yongle Emperor moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, where he constructed the Forbidden City. This move solidified Beijing's status as the political center of China.
  • 1449

    Tumu Crisis

    Tumu Crisis
    The Ming army suffered a monumental defeat at the hands of the Oirat Mongols led by Esen Taishi. Emperor Zhengtong was captured, leading to a significant crisis and eventually to his temporary abdication.
  • 1496

    Publication of the Yongle Encyclopedia

    Publication of the Yongle Encyclopedia
    Commissioned by the Yongle Emperor but published much later, this massive compilation of Chinese knowledge was the largest encyclopedia of its time, reflecting the Ming Dynasty’s scholarly and cultural achievements.
  • 1505

    Ascension of the Zhengde Emperor

    Ascension of the Zhengde Emperor
    The Zhengde Emperor ascended the throne, known for his unorthodox behavior and neglect of official duties. His reign highlighted issues of corruption and inefficiency within the Ming court, setting the stage for later reforms.
  • 1557

    Establishment of Portuguese Macau

    Establishment of Portuguese Macau
    The Ming court granted the Portuguese the right to establish a trading post at Macau. This marked the beginning of significant European influence and trade in China.
  • Ming Involvement in the Imjin War

    Ming Involvement in the Imjin War
    The Ming Dynasty intervened in Korea to repel Japanese invasions under Toyotomi Hideyoshi. This conflict showcased the military prowess and strategic importance of the Ming Dynasty in East Asian geopolitics.