The Middle East

  • Palestine Arab Revolt

    Palestine Arab Revolt
    The Arabs revolt and their goals are to end Jewish immigration to Palestine, an end to the transfer of lands to Jewish owners, and a new general representative government. This ended in 1939.
  • British White Paper.

    British White Paper.
    the British white paper would limited Jewish immigration to 75, over the next 5 years. It then ended Jewish land purchases. It also gave out independence for Palestine within 10 years.
  • Israel Becomes it's own Nation.

    Israel Becomes it's own Nation.
    Israel became its own nation for the Jewish people. The 1st President of Israel was Chaim Weizmann and the 1st Prime Minister of Israel was David Ben-Gurion.
  • Hitler's Final Solution

    Hitler's Final Solution
    Hitler's idea was to kill all the jews. This was known and called The Nazi Holocaust. This event of pure evil and murder killed over 6,000,000 jews in the Nazi camps.
  • Jewish Freedom Fighters.

    Jewish Freedom Fighters.
    Jewish Freedom Fighters were a group of people who fought for the freedom of Jewish people. But some also saw them as Terrorists due to the ways they tried to get said freedom.
  • United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine

    United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine
    1947 UN General Assembly proposal to divide British Mandatory Palestine into a Jewish state and Arab state. The Jews liked and took the plan but the Arabs disliked it and did not agree to it.
  • Aliyah Bet.

    Aliyah Bet.
    The Aliyah Bet was a "Code name" given to illegal immigration for the Jewish people. Most of these jews were actually people from Nazi camps. But this was against the British white pages.
  • Arab and Israeli War.

    Arab and Israeli War.
    16 days before Memorial day, Arab and Israeli go to war. The same day Israeli released their Declaration of Independence.
  • British Detention Camps.

    British Detention Camps.
    The British detention camps were camps run by the British Government for the Jewish people who then attempt immigration against the British White Pages.