UNIT 1:The Middle Ages & Islam

By L.Tori
  • Period: 200 to 599

    Germanic Invasions

  • 476

    Fall of the Roman Empire

    Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Period: 501 to 600

    Biggest size of the Bythantine empire

  • 507

    Vouillé battle

    Vouillé battle
  • Period: 601 to 700

    Muslims conquered half of Bythantine empire

  • 610

    Muhammad claimed the angel Gabriel told him to create a new religion

    Muhammad claimed the angel Gabriel told him to create a new religion
  • 622

    Muhammad flee to Medina (Hegira)

    Muhammad flee to Medina (Hegira)
  • 630

    Muhammad conquered Mecca

    Muhammad conquered Mecca
  • 632

    Muhammad died

  • Period: 632 to 661


  • Period: 661 to 750


  • Period: 701 to 900

    Iconoclastic wars

  • Period: 750 to 1258


  • 1054

    Conflict between de Pariarch of Constantinople and the Pope of Rome (East West Schism)

  • 1453

    Conquest of Constantinople

    Conquest of Constantinople