Period: to
Diaz in Power -
Porfirio Diaz turns 70
Pearson's Magazine Interview
Díaz stated that Mexico was ready for democracy and elections and that he would retire and allow other candidates to compete for the presidency. -
Diaz runs for Reelection
As groups began to settle on their presidential candidate, Díaz decided that he was not going to retire but rather allow Francisco Madero, an aristocratic but democratically leaning reformer, to run against him. -
The Presidential Succession of 1910 published
Madero is Jailed
Diaz Reelected
The Government commits massive voter fraud, claiming Diaz won almost unanimously. -
Mexican Revolution Begins
Madero called for revolt against Díaz, and the Mexican Revolution began -
Madero smuggled to America
Plan of San Luis
Madero begins march in Chihuahua
Zapata conquers Cuautla
Treaty Ciudad Juarez signed
Diaz Flees Mexico
Diaz flees Mexico, arriving in Spain. -
Period: to
Madero in power -
Carranza for Governor
Carranza Governs Coahuila -
Plan of Ayala
Revolt of Bernardo Reyes
Revolt of Orozco
Orozco flees to America
Revolt of Diaz Jr.
Villa escapes prison
Madero Asassinated
Period: to
Huerta in power -
Plan of Guadalupe
Ambasador Wilson Fired
Huerta ousted from office
Period: to
Diaz Dies
Diaz dies in Spain -
Carranza holds Constitutional Convention
The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States
Zapata dies
Period: to
Carranza Commits Suicide
Carranza commits suicide while under attack, is succeeded by Obregon -
Period: to
America calls Calles 'Communist"
Period: to
Obregon Reelected
Period: to
Obregon II
Obregon Asassinated
(Likely by the Catholics) -
Period: to
Period: to
Period: to
Diaz's Arms Donated
Diaz's 430 piece collection of military relics was donated to the Royal Military College in Canada