The Mexican Revolution

  • May 21, 1521

    Mexico's Conquest

    Mexico's Conquest
    If you were Spanish blood, you had power
  • Porfirio Díaz for President

    Porfirio Díaz for President
    Diaz gets elected into power
  • Madero issued a letter from jail

    He was in jail for 27 years. The letter was called the Plan de San Luis. It stated the regime as illegal and demanded a revolt
  • A call to arms

    a group of small followers took up arms and following, on the 18th, where an uprising was brought on in the home of Maximo and Aquiles Serdán, two brothers wanting a change who ended up losing their lives.
  • Madero's call for an uprising

    Madero's call for an uprising
    This event marked the true beginning of the revolution.
  • Early Uprising

    Early Uprising
    People were fed up with getting gipped on their local land and it's resources. Emiliano Zapata decided to lead the uprising of some poor Morelos peasants. They wanted to claim their well deserved rights!
  • The Spark

    The Spark
    Francisco Madero was imprisoned to forestall him from participating in the 1911 elections. It is said that there were two phases of the revolution; one being Porfirio Diaz's landing Francisco Madero in jail, and the other being the assassination of Madero in addition to the vice president Jose Maria Pino Suarez.
  • The assassination of Madero and Suarez

    It was staged by Victoriano Huerta and Henry Wilson, a Mexican general and American ambassador.
  • Final Version Approved

    Final Version Approved
    They were trying to preserve agricultural reform and first-time economic rights for the people of Mexico. The people hadn’t had true freedom under the dictatorship. After its approval, a man named Carranza, (the new president of Mexico),didn’t take it as seriously as everyone had hoped. The constitution appeared as empty promises. The revolution thus continued. Carranza was eventually being assassinated and General Álvaro Obregón came to power.